By the way, I have been very interested in Remote Viewing for a very long time. Ive had many results that I impressed myself with. I possessed a NEED to share these experiences with people. A need that was tearing me apart. I shared with a few people that I felt where mentally stable and skeptic as I felt that they would be the perfect for my desperate need to confirm that I wasn't nuts. Ive done some simple remote viewing in which random images or objescts where picked by another person, sealed in envelope or box in another location and I would "pick up" on what was in these envelopes. Sure I don't get a HIT every time but the hits that I did get and the frequency at which these "hits" happened where enough to peak interest, to say the least.
Lets just say I have an unwavering belief in the extraordinary. To a degree that may not be be considered healthy. In fact, it does at times get in the way of my normal social interactions. I have become quite introverted over the years and have difficulty with "small talk" as the profoundness of the universe is always on my mind. My only escape is my art. So the issue IMO is quite "black and white", Im either completely off my rocker or theres absolutely something to altered states, ESP and also the possibility that psychedelics are a catalyst to these things. Im also open to the idea that psychedelics aren't "perfect" and while they have the ability open these abilities up in people they also have the ability to cause pain and suffering to a severe enough degree to cause one to take their own life. I had a close friend unexpectedly take his life during a period which he was heavily using psychedelics. (RIP J.G.H, you are in my thoughts, friend)
One of the most profound things I have noticed about psilocybin is its ability to induce the feeling of "profound familiarity". Its almost a deja vu x 100 type of feeling. Even if its ones first time experiencing the psychedelic state, they often report. "IVE BEEN HERE BEFORE!!!" I also seem to have the "delusion" that Im literally watching time and space "warp". Its the only way I can describe it. Its extraordinarily meaningful and its paradoxically absurd at the same time. It is incredibly unnerving and anxiety inducing. In many ways I feel that this experience is not quite meant for mortals. I intuitively feel that its beginning of the transition of the consciousness into the "next realm". Perhaps the realm of disembodied spirits. Bio-energy consciousness. Where all living matter's bio-energy is available to ones perception. Not merely the chemical intoxication science seems to say it is.
I don't know if psychedelics caused me to become more "psychic". I don't like the term psychic as it seems to conjure images of phony charlatans and wack jobs. But I will use it for the sake of simplicity. Id like to believe Im NOT a wack job but Im open to this idea as well because Ill be the first to admit that I don't have the slightest as to whats going on.
My "paranormal" experiences began happening more frequently probably about a year or so after my bad LSD trip. To this day I cannot sleep on my back without "leaving my body" or experiencing some degree of frightening sleep paralysis. I know I need to embrace these episodes and work with them and learn to utilize them but they are extremely unnerving and Im quite alone with my experiences and rarely share them with anyone. Maybe I should join a forum in which people discuss their experiences with sleep paralysis for some help. or maybe I just need to be put on medication and be done with it
If anyone out there is reading this and thinking "wow, this guy has really lost it", let my experiences be a heed of warning as to what psychedelics are capable of.