Okay so last weed I performed a STB extraction on 250g of acacia confusa root bark and yeilded like..... nothing.... nothing other than a very very weak goo. I decided I should've done an A/B extraction and pondered whether or not I screwed this up beyond fixing..... I decided to pour my solution into a pot, and added A LOT of vinegar to acidify. I let if boil for about 40 minutes, put it back in the jars, re-basified it, did a pull, and WOW!!!!! The pulls were totally clear, but within seconds of being put in front of a fan turned opaque, cloudy white. I put it in the freezer, and after checking on it just now, I have to have almost a gram of crystals floating around in a still cloudy solution! I'm so excited I can't even explain! Anyone else have similar experiences ???