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Phalaris Arundinacea Identification Options
#1 Posted : 5/21/2014 12:53:25 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello DMT-NEXUS, I'm having trouble identifying this grass. I think it is phalaris arundinacea because of the prominent ligule, and the rhizomes. I found it in a marshy area. The ground was very wet and covered in dying vegetation. The marsh was covered in this grass, which also leads me to believe it is canary grass because of the invasive nature of this species. In this marsh, I also noticed the grass's inflorescence; however, I ignored it because it was dead. The stem upon which the inflorescence sat was about two meters tall. I also observed that the grass grew in clumps, which seems to be a characteristic of the grass I am looking for.

Basically, I am having doubts about the identity of this grass. If any of you could help me identify this species, or recommend other steps for identification that would be super helpful. Thanks.


PS: I am well aware of gramine in phalaris. From my research, I have found mixed reports about gramine content. Posts on DMT NEXUS of the Chromotography of phalaris show ~1% gramine content. I have read that gramine is not soluble in Naphtha, which is the solvent I am using in my extraction.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/21/2014 1:41:47 AM

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That doesn't look like the Phalaris Arundinacea shown on Wikipedia:

#3 Posted : 5/21/2014 1:45:39 AM
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There are many variations of phalaris arundinacea. That is one of them. White-striped phalaris is generally used as a perennial, and is not usually found in nature.
Chimp Z
#4 Posted : 5/21/2014 6:03:15 AM

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Seems very similar to P. Arundinacea. If you could snap a picture of the rhizome that would help tremendously.

For help with similar species to Phalaris, familiarize yourself with some of these plants:

Elymus Cinereus and other Elymus/Leymus spp.(Rye)
Alopecurus Pratensis(Meadow Foxtail, might be confused for P. Aquatica)
A. Geniculatus(water foxtail)
A. Aequalis(short awned foxtail)
Phleum Pratense(timothy grass)
Dactylis Glomerata
Bromus Inermis(and other Bromus spp. which haven't flowered but look similar to Phalaris)
Anthoxanthum Odoratum(Sweet Vernal Grass)
Festuca Arundinacea(contains harmalas)
Calamagrostis Canadensis(Blue Joint Grass)
Glyceria Occidentalis(Western Manna)
Carex spp.(some contain Harmalas)
Hordeum Vulgare, H. Brachyantherum, and other Hordeum spp.
Achnatherum spp.
Beckmannia spp.
Agrostis spp.(A. Capillaris/A. Tenuis)
Phragmites spp.
Holcus Lanatus
A quick google search for all these and comparing them with P. Arundinacea would be great.
If you're not sure in early spring, observe them flowering/seeding in summer and do a harvest in late fall when alks are back up.

Gramine is not toxic to humans i don't care what any government funded CSIRO paper says.

And you are correct, naphtha pulls barely any if any.
Even then a little bit of gramine wouldn't do anything.
I think what bothers people in their extracts are the phenethylamines like Hordenine or unknown 5-Methoxy derivatives like 5-MeO-NMT. Hordenine is concentrated highest in stems, so only pick top leaves.

So if you're really worried about toxicity, bring a dog with you and share some grass with them. If they won't eat any then you shouldn't. My pup usually goes for new growths and won't touch the 4-5' plants that are flowering right now.
will post others when they pop into my mind.

Since compounds like 5-Meo-NMT have not had James Orok or Terence McKenna bedazzled in a book promoting the beauty of the experience, "psychonauts" who are thrown into an unfamiliar physiological space assume that there is "toxicity" at play. Maybe if the "set/setting" for these new compounds were created, they would be easier to handle for the populace that dare taste.

Though gramine most likely does not pose any serious risk with human ingestion/smoking,
there derivatives are even less researched so the same cannot be said about them.
Having ingested various species of Phalaris multiple times and smoked countless extracts, honestly cannot see anything toxic about this grass. BE SMART. Don't pick an obviously "bad vibe" batch because it will fling you where your ego can't hold its ground.
Start low and work your way up. I have found P. Arundinacea to be orally active on its own so careful with MAOI dosage if ever working with this teacher.

It is not a DMT-experience. It is a Phalaris experience.

Basing with Calcium Hydroxide, Defats with Xylene, Pull with Acetone gets a waxy but potent extract for me that tastes floral when smoked. Creek Dreams.
There is a mighty frog lurking behind those bushes.
#5 Posted : 5/21/2014 10:53:58 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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very helpful reply, thank you so much!
#6 Posted : 5/22/2014 12:23:20 AM
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A quick google search for all these and comparing them with P. Arundinacea would be great.
If you're not sure in early spring, observe them flowering/seeding in summer and do a harvest in late fall when alks are back up.

I googled every one of the plants you listed. None of match the description of the grass i picked. I will go take pictures of the grass's rhizomes and roots tomorrow.
Chimp Z
#7 Posted : 5/23/2014 7:59:11 AM

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Looks a lot like P. Arundinacea. Rhizome will definitely validate.
They should be flowering right now so maybe snap a pic of one.
Haven't gotten around to uploading my Phalaris pictures but will soon.
#8 Posted : 5/23/2014 3:34:40 PM

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that picture is most likely the variegated cultivar of phalaris arundinacea. It is said to have an extremely low alkaloid content.
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 5/24/2014 4:31:31 PM
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Okay, finally got more pictures of the grass!
#10 Posted : 5/24/2014 5:07:00 PM

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So theres finally a SAFE tek for phalaris now? Anyone bioassayed yet? I know every single person here knows where and endless supply of this stuff is...holy grail? Holy at all? I shouldve Brought some rhizomes home with me from my favorite city park yesterday either way...COME ON SUPER SCIENCE GUYS!!!! Were all behind you! Work out the chemistry and show us the way! Sustainable psychedelic culture IS THE WAY of the future. Blessings to all who have labored to unlock the potential of phalaris and the best of luck and lightning speed in perfecting the tek for us all!!!

BIG THANKS TO JAMIE: I have read many many of his posts and learned alot from them. Also thanks for the link you brought to my attention. That bioassay got my heart racing no joke!
Fear is truly the only thing to fear. Smoke it if you have it.
Cosmic Spore
#11 Posted : 5/24/2014 5:23:58 PM

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Knowing that you have a high DMT content variety of Phalaris (clones from rhizomes usually) is the key, but I hear brachystachys is ok to do from seed.

~Phalaris = The Way Of The Future~ and WIKI -> Phalaris spp.
#12 Posted : 5/24/2014 6:04:32 PM


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bluecereal wrote:
Okay, finally got more pictures of the grass!

That appears to be Phragmites australis.
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#13 Posted : 5/24/2014 6:05:20 PM
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I think that Common Reed also grows in the same spot i found this grass, which is very good for me. Just have to wait for it to grow Smile
#14 Posted : 5/24/2014 9:22:33 PM

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Dualizer wrote:
So theres finally a SAFE tek for phalaris now? Anyone bioassayed yet? I know every single person here knows where and endless supply of this stuff is...holy grail? Holy at all? I shouldve Brought some rhizomes home with me from my favorite city park yesterday either way...COME ON SUPER SCIENCE GUYS!!!! Were all behind you! Work out the chemistry and show us the way! Sustainable psychedelic culture IS THE WAY of the future. Blessings to all who have labored to unlock the potential of phalaris and the best of luck and lightning speed in perfecting the tek for us all!!!

Long live the unwoke.
#15 Posted : 5/24/2014 9:37:26 PM
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If you look around DMT NEXUS, you'll find spectrum analysis of canary grass extract. I remember seeing a big thread about it, but I don't have it bookmarked. Also, I used this tek for my extraction. My first extraction failed, but I know why and I avoided my mistake in my current extraction. Will probably post results Wink
#16 Posted : 5/24/2014 11:30:35 PM
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Basing with Calcium Hydroxide, Defats with Xylene, Pull with Acetone gets a waxy but potent extract for me that tastes floral when smoked. Creek Dreams.
There is a mighty frog lurking behind those bushes.

Is there anything wrong with using lye as a base, vinegar as an acid, and defats/pulls with naphtha?
#17 Posted : 5/25/2014 12:11:04 AM

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no, as long as you are doing a traditional A/B. Never add water to lye..you always add lye to water. No dry teks with lye.
Long live the unwoke.
#18 Posted : 5/25/2014 2:05:48 AM
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dreamer042 wrote:
bluecereal wrote:
Okay, finally got more pictures of the grass!

That appears to be Phragmites australis.

oh, bummer. why?
#19 Posted : 5/25/2014 2:07:59 AM
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oh wait, this is even better than canary grass (higher dmt content from what i've heard!). I guess it would make sense that australis would grow in that marsh, because it is the common reed. also, the florescences were a pretty big hint. thanks for sharing your knowledge, everybody. i've learned a lot Thumbs up
Chimp Z
#20 Posted : 5/26/2014 8:56:29 PM

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Yes! We need more work with Phragmites Australis.

Phragmites actually has a lot of the same beta carbolines and tryptamines Phalaris has and it is in the rhizomes.

Phalaris would appear more ideal for extraction since the top leaf growth is the best for tryptamines.

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