Hello Nexus and my personal friend smoothers.
AFOAF has been dabbling the world of psychedelics in the form of music, art and chemicals.A FOAF has grown cubensis shrooms and has been extracting DMT for a while and up until now a FOAF has been a member and a lurker for some time.
Due to a FOAF's recent experiences he has decided to become a more active member to try and understand the world of psychedelia.He will post a trip report of extreme magintude soon,he just has to finish typing it up.
A FOAF was once a very heavy atheist and was unsure of who he was and what life was.Through his Experiences especially the ones brought on by DMT he has begun to view through the keyhole into the expanses of the universe and the dimensions unseen.
A FOAF is looking forward to sharing his knowledge.
Psychedelics aren't for everymind.