A while back, when i had health at school, we discussed drugs and how bad and horrible they are. Now, of course, most of the discussion was focused around marijuana, opiates, opioids, stimulants and only slightly touched on psycodelics. We were bombarded with information about the damage to the lungs smoking can cause, liver damage from alcohol, horrible addictions to different substances, like meth, but nothing on LSD or mushrooms. The only negative thing i knew about LSD back then, is from a poor memory of some documentary, where the man, who was being interviewed, compared a LSD trip to hell. To me, that didn't make sense, why would people want to visit hell?
I started researching more on these substances, on the way, i found my, now, go-to website for anything psycodelic: "erowid.org," which many of you probably know. I didn't know where to get any of these substances: i don't have many friends, and ones i do have are strongly, irrationally anti-drug (because, you know, they are all the same and horrible). This lead me to experiment with nutmeg, which didn't go well, as i could never eat enough to trip.
For few months, i stopped thinking about psycodelics and gave up, thinking I'd never be able to get some, but then i learned about psycodelics muchrooms, and that many people around my area collected them. Sadly, it was winter, and soon after i moved countries, still not in a mushroom season. Finnaly, i decided to order the stuff: first, just to get the sense of what a chemical can do to you, i had some cannabis oil infused lolipops. They had a great taste and the high was amazing. Later, i got some acid. Did a tab, half a tab, one and a half tabs, now, i have two more left, and unlike previoiusly, this time, i plan to take it in the comfort of my own home, rather then bike somewhere in a state where only part of my conciousness is in reality. It was a nice way to celebrate bicycle day, though!
All this brings me here; next thing i want to try is DMT. I have always been facinated with conciousness, dreaming, etc., and this seems like a logical thing to do, in order to further explore the subject!