I decided that I wanted to try some DMT, so I went to my friend and smoke a low dose. From the first moment the vaporized DMT filled my lungs I felt a change in mind. It was a bit like the transition between being awake and dreaming, so if you have tried to WILD you might know what I'm suggesting.
Before I could give the vaporizer to my friend, an entity contacted me and told me to lay down in the bed and close my eyes. This entity looked like an old chieftain and he worked as my spiritual guidance during the whole trip.
The chieftain changed shape and suddenly became a "male like" creature whom was acting in the sexual way with a another creature that looked very much to be female. During this act of sex all bad emotions in my ego was soften up and suddenly different creatures, all from humanoid to other things I never new existed, started to have sex and during the sex all of them released their bad emotions and became one.
Suddenly I fly in my hometown and the chieftain shows me people in the street and how they are so afraid of showing interest in each other. That they all create barriers to shield themselves from the connection between the different contemplation of one another. And then he tells me that the contemplation itself is the act of wanting to get rid of the ego by having sex, that once two egos become one, the previously ego is vanished into nothing.
This is very much like what you can find in Hinduism; that there are two opposite forces dancing towards each other, and during collision the divine creating takes place in which we are free.
And quite interesting also is during rapid eye movement, where our brain might produce DMT, we experience a wave of sexual energy where our sex organ is "activated". I haven't find any scientific reason for that, however, as dreams and DMT are connected, and that dreams itself is connected to the state of soften your ego, or actually release you from it, sex seems like the state you always are heading towards.
The society is trying to cure itself by an arcadian revival