IF I'm understanding this technology, I don't think this would work. Unfortunately.
Firstly, the stomach has plenty of "aqueous fluid", so if that's what causes the particles to split, then they will break down (or at least start to) in the stomach and release their goodies. Next, even if they managed to make it through the stomach intact, I'm pretty sure that the small intestine is swimming in MAO, so that's not a good place to release your DMT either. Now as DMT enemas apparently work without MAOI, I'm gonna assume that the lower intestine is relatively MAO-free. So if the particles had some kind of coating which protected the contents until they reached the LI (and I had an idea that they do make ones like this for certain medications, could be wrong about that though), then this might work? You would still need to get the drug into coated particles somehow though- and I'm not sure whether this is the kind of thing that could be done at a "kitchen-chemistry" level. Then again, if it was feasible I'm sure there would be alot of people interested in making it happen!
I would be very interested to know what some more competent biochemists think, as I'm intrigued by this possibility, so I really hope that I'm wrong!