Any s After working with syrian rue & acacia confusa root bark every couple months for the last year or so i finally got the brew right. When i say right i mean the brew was strong, but cleaned of Any sediment.
Half of 250g acacia was extracted & half was rewed down to 500ml so 50ml was equal to 10g acacia. The syrian rue was also brewed down to 500ml (an entire 56g)so the dose of maoi was ~35ml.
The initial plan was to smoke the waxy crude etract while peaking on the trip from an oral dosage but i quickly discovered how utterly vile & disgusting smoking with no vaporizer can be & gave up on this rout of administration, focusing fully on oral dmt + harmalas.
First dose ~5g syrian rue followed 1hr 30min by 10g worth of acacia brew. Nausea was present but effects were minimal.
On the second night, i decided to up the dosage of dmt & drop the dosage of syrian rue. Worked well.
3g syrian rue, followed an hour later by 200mg wax from acacia & 10g worth of acacia brew.
The experience took a long time to fully come on. I ate ~4 hours prior. Just as i thought i wouldnt trip & would just be nauseous all night, the trip hit me like a train. So hard i almost had a friend take me to the hospital. Id seriously thought i fucked up at this point. I wished i could voOmit, but it was too late. The brew had its grip on me & there was no going back. I goy very hot, lightheaded, & kept feeling burning spots in random parts of my body. After a while of sitting there & freaking out mentally i drank some water which almost instantly made me feel better. The nausea was present through the entire trip, not extremely bad, reminded me of the nausea i get from morning glory seeds. Then suddenly i was shown the power dmt has. Visuals were mild at best but the mental trip was unlike anything ive ever taken (&ive been a heavy psychedellic user for the better part of 10years). Most of the trip consisted of my mind telling me id ingested lye or solvent or something & it was eating holes in my body (again, felt like this, but i was just dehydrated). I felt like id been poisined & my body was shutting down & if i broke through, i was giving up on life & crossing over to the other side. So, i faught my hardest for a few hours to keep myself in reality. After a while, i got comfortable in the space i was in, & then the trip changed tone. I was just extremly happy to be alive, greatful that this drug didnt take my life from me & very happy for the life i have & close friends & family who were surrounding me & how scared id made them & myself. From this point on, my thinking was all in paradoxes. Everything i thought, dmt threw a paradox at me. It showed me it had the power to make everything ive ever known wrong, that being sober, could really just be another trick dmt plays before it rips the rug of reality out from under me & laughs while i sit feeling trapped in this place its created for me, almost like i was being mocked. Like, hey i can make it seem like your done, but guess what? Its just a trick, youll be this way forever now. At some point i ever began to think that dmt was a dirty trick played on the world & its spread was the appocalypse slowly taking its hold on the planet.
The more the effects wore off, the better i felt, & the happier i was just to be Alive.
The next time, a few days later i dosed 4g rue tea & ~30g acacia tea.This time it came on faster & lasted longer. I began to feel like my body has been poisined again, i felt like the burning sensations on my body were gangrene or sores similar to the sores krokodil users get from injecting very dirty impure drugs. I purged & continued to drink water, but it felt like the tea was forming emulsions inside my body if that makes sense. I once again, was convinced i had to fight to stay in reality or id die & did all i could to hold myself to this reality & survive. This time, i knew id be okay though, although the being sick part was 10 x worse than the last trip.
This same dying feeling is what i got when smoking the extract the week before. After taking ~100mg pure clean mdma the next day i began to fully understand what ayahuasca was, or at least why i tripped the way i did (aside from far too high of a dose) i was extremely scared of where dmt could take me. Mainly because i felt it could kill me & i was not ready to leave this world.
It was nothing like i was expecting, but it gave me a whole new perspective on life & the world & even in the short time since ive taken it, i deffinately feel it has changed my life for the better.