Hi all,
I am female, 26years young, a bit of a tripper but not like full time or anything
I have had dimmy a few times. First time I had in a bong I 'broke through' -whatever the hell that means. I freaked
[mod edit: please refrain from cursing] out and left this planet. It was enough for me to stop taking other drugs, LSD & shrooms for over a year. Though I love my trippers and still hung around the same crowd.
Found myself at a party where dimmy seemed to be just getting handed out everywhere. I had a chat with one guy about it through out the night and come daybreak he held my hand for the second trip. This time through a little pipe with only DMT in it. And my goodness that was Amazing! Much better than the first time, and I cant believe what I was missing out on
Since then I have had it a few times and mostly in joints, either with weed or other nicer herbs.
Though I would still consider myself a bit of a newby
I am joining this site because I love the random conversations I have with people that are 'on the level'. Though these days I work away and don't get to party so much.
I like doofing though not a fulltime doofer, I like to keep it special and not a weekly event. I like much more the bigger festivals, though I have only been to a few, plan on going to more. Though again with work, takes up most of my time :/ work does however sponsor me to go around the world to some amazing places, including festivals
Obviously I like festivals, Music goes hand in hand. I LOVE DANCING!!!!
I would consider myself very spiritual, though very grounded and logical.
I love to help people, am learning to say 'no' when I don't have the energy.
I live in Perth, though I travel a lot. Am happy to make some friends, even just online buddies
Hi all and happy to join your site