I have always been around a certain aspect of life. Always had a pick at what to do. i always preferred a bong. simple easy. around me had been the break thru i was always searching for, prob sine young guns, lol;we're in the spirit world asshole. had been around me offered to me. then a mate showed me mckenna. umm ok. perfectly sound logic. i tried my first recently and nearly broke thru. second time just after i ate. wow what pretty spew. lol.since then a patience has set over me i have gone into overdrive on research and find our most purest form is endangered and being a mere two hour drive, a bit of school and maybe a difference,t would be unfair not t try at least for if nexus community. make a commercially viable sellable living plant or even as seed generators. to just save a plant, i can leave the planet to someone else.