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Alrighty, it's time! I have never experienced mescaline, and I've decided that I am in a good point in my life, so it's time to give it a go! I'm going to follow this tek: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...7s_cacti_preparation_tekI am going to try the pressure cook method. I'll be curious to see how it goes. I am currently administering the first freeze, so if anyone sees this post, and can offer any additional tips, it'd be much appreciated! I'm going to PC at 15 psi, for 1 hour, strain, and then PC for another hour, strain again. I hope it works! Aside from the boil style, I should be following the tek to a T. Wish me crystals, friends! Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.

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If I'm not in the mood to bring mescaline all the way to hcl of sulfate than I generally just do an alcohol extraction. Soak in high proof ethanol and filter 4-5 times (or when the solution no longer takes on the cactus color). Evaporate the alcohol and capsule up the resin.
Even when I do a full A/B I usually start with this alcohol resin as my precursor

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I find the alcohol (ethanol or IPA) leaves a cleaner end product that is easier to deal with than water does, it also evaporates quicker. Nothing wrong with using water but we shouldn't ignore all the other solvents around us either. To each their own.
 DMT-Nexus member
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Thanks guys! I am using 12" of cactus for the first attempt. I am a bit torn between the tea and the extraction. I think I may go with the tea this time. I want to do the extraction as well, but I'd like to experience the medicine in the traditional form. We'll do the science version next time. Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
 DMT-Nexus member

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AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:Thanks guys! I am using 12" of cactus for the first attempt. I am a bit torn between the tea and the extraction.
I think I may go with the tea this time. I want to do the extraction as well, but I'd like to experience the medicine in the traditional form. We'll do the science version next time. tea is a great place to start... go from that to 69Rons acetate tek and then if you're feeling adventurous Kash's tek. mesc hcl ftw!!! "The brain is a reducing valve that restricts consciousness" - A Huxley
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" – Ralph Waldo Emerson…
"Whatever you study you also change" - Heisenberg Uncertainty principle
 DMT-Nexus member
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While working my practices into normal life, I have yet to do much with my San Pedro other than watch it freeze and thaw a few times.  I did taste a small piece of the cactus.... YUCK>>> Maybe I'm leaning more towards an extraction than a tea.... LOL. It was a bit bitter for my particular liking, and I like some nasty, bitter stuff---- Turkey tail and rieshi tea (extremely beneficial for health, not the best tasting stuff) However, the taste of this cactus seemed to linger and have a much stronger taste than some of the medicines I've dealt with in the past. SO, Does the tea taste as strong as the fresh cut cactus? IF so, I'll settle for the goo/crystals. Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 459 Joined: 13-Mar-2013 Last visit: 20-May-2020
I would suggest resin if you want the full spectrum and not the horrifying taste of tea. I had great luck using House's resin tek coupled with Phlux's Working with Fresh Cactus thread (stickied in the cactus cultivation section rather than preparation). I didn't have the alks separate, but I just parachuted the resulting resin and have had two of my best entheogenic experiences from the results. Forge a Path with Heart <3
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1288 Joined: 22-Feb-2014 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Thanks Continuum! That's pretty much where my thoughts were heading. simple enough. Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
Turn off your sense of taste, chug it, and bite down on a lime.
Posts: 1331 Joined: 24-Aug-2010 Last visit: 17-Jan-2024 Location: Thither
I did 1.5ft of achuma my first time with House's resin tek and it was the most beautiful experience I have had to date. Just roll it up into balls and swallow a few at a time with water  Thanks House! 'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
No, thank you! It pleases me when people get mesc'd. I like the resin tek because sometimes its a xtal tek and it's fun eating the scraped up balls of mesc or encapsulating it. At one point I was eating mesc every morning with my breakfast. I miss those days! It's also surprisingly not bad on digestion either like some would think. Still though, no matter how much of that stuff I have eaten, it never compared to what happens when you drink a really strong tea. Multiple feet worth of cactus. Don't forget the lime. In my opinion, for those of you that love mesc, after you have fun with the resin try a tea. Expect to purge. You'll see what I mean.  Pure mesc is cool too especially up the butt but still lacks a lot of what the tea provides. I remember mesc carbonate being my favorite that I tried of the pure extracts.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1288 Joined: 22-Feb-2014 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
House, you really did earn that elite tag, and I'm serious. You've been super helpful on this forum, for myself, and for others that I've observed. I was clicking around in the "other" forum and saw where you posted a trans-dermal coconut oil blend. Genius, man. Genius. I had to make some to try out, myself. I blended some harmalas into the mix and LOVE IT. Trans-dermal, or edible. Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
Glad you like it, I am happy to help. Mescaline has had a profound impact on my life.
Sometimes when I am out and about I see people with "mescaline" but it's never mescaline, always 2C-I or whatever. WTF? Fear and Loathing-- I get it, but damn, I just want people to know the truth about this medicine and just how incredible it can be.
"Mescaline!" "Can I see it? *looks* That isn't mescaline." "Ya it is bro." *Pulls out an emptied bottle of Patron filled with a foul smelling green liquid* "THIS IS MESCALINE!"
I have had to stop and educate fools like this on more than one occasion. I am such a buzz kill.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 371 Joined: 25-Jan-2012 Last visit: 07-Feb-2024
AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:House, you really did earn that elite tag, and I'm serious. You've been super helpful on this forum, for myself, and for others that I've observed.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1288 Joined: 22-Feb-2014 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Anticipation is full throttle. Tonight would have been a good night. The wifey decided to stay in a hotel tonight(she's in a wedding tomorrow morning) and I could have had plenty of time to explore the universe. I have started the boiling process.... i am PCing 6" for 1 hr, and I am boiliing the other 6" for 5hrs(or so). This will give two seperate observations from the same source. Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 459 Joined: 13-Mar-2013 Last visit: 20-May-2020
Very excited for you, Acacia. Its awesome that your first go is with one you grew. Do you know if your San Pedro is PC clone or not? This is a bit of an aside, but I bought 4 12" inch bridgesii for my first try and decided right off to prepare three and root the fattest one. I figured if these particular cuts weren't strong, I could still prepare the fourth and add it to the second dose. It took me 3-4 weeks from the time I got them to have them prepared and a good night to try them. I ended up having a beautiful experience, and when I woke up the day after, the big cutting had pushed out its first roots! Lovely little coincidence! Growing is such a joy! Three cheers for House for getting so many of us pointed in the right direction. Forge a Path with Heart <3
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1288 Joined: 22-Feb-2014 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
I got impatient and settled for the goo. It made about 3 grams of a light brown goo. I may have used closer to 18"....I didn't measure, don't remember, and it doesnt matter now. What says you good people? Eat all of it tomorrow night around midnight? Or seperate it out into two separate occasions. I am guessing that 1 gram of goo is close to .5g of pure crystal. Is this an accurate assumption? If so, 2grams of goo should be close to 1 gram of pure. I kinda want to eat it all, but part of me says spread it out. \ Continuum - The "Cactus Kate" Strain - Trichocereus Pachanoi AcaciaConfusedYah attached the following image(s):  20140426_233947.jpg (175kb) downloaded 351 time(s).Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
Eat all of it for sure. Mescaline takes a while to come on and its also long lasting so take that into consideration when dosing. Enjoy the mesc.