Hello everyone!
I wanted to write up this trip report to not only share my friend’s personal experience with LSA, but to see if anyone out there has had similar experiences. I am no writer, so forgive me if some of my concepts aren’t well written or confusing.
Anyways, I want to share a little bit about my friend so you can have a basic context.
He had a best friend that he had an off and on relationship with. It seems anyone he got close to drifts away from time to time and is in his life at just the right times then a rift seems to happen. He has accepted this and became a norm. Anyways, he recently linked back up with this guy, we will call him Nick.
Since the last time they were friends he had a developing interest in psychedelics. He had taken acid a few times with great things to tell his friend. Being an avid smoker he had already sort of experienced altered consciousness, so what Nick shared with him did nothing but pique his interest. He was heavily influenced by his friends at the time, so anything they were into he was willing to at least try. He began his own research on psyches and decided to order some seemingly harmless Hawaiian Baby Wood rose seeds.
After everything he read about them, he was in for a light trip that can come with heavy nausea and the possibility for a horrible experience. Nick was also interested and he was going to partake with him. They picked our day free from responsibility and ate our seeds.
They started at 9 AM at a park within walking distance from his house. Even though he was aware of the possibility to do an extraction, he decided that they will simply chew the seeds and swallow with tons of water handy. They each ate 8 seeds total, chewing them and keeping them in our mouths as long as possible before swallowing (back then the taste did not bother him too much, but if he were to even put one in his mouth now he instantly vomits). Anywho, since it was early neither of them had eaten anything since the night before as planned.
After about 10 minutes, he began the biggest purge of his life. Liquid was coming out of every orifice it could come out of. After about a half an hour of crying, vomiting, mucus spewing from his nose it all stopped as soon as it began. Nick never had any nausea or
problems. They smoked some herb and both came to a unique euphoria. A feeling that felt like they became angelic almost. He and Nick shared the exact same feeling, and it felt like they weren’t even speaking English to each other but some otherworldly dialect that transcended the normal means of communication.
It began to drizzle lightly, and Nick had the urge to meditate. My friend told him he would rather remain in the car (yeah forgot to mention most of the trip they were going back and forth between walking around the park and sitting in his car.) but he would watch Nick and join him if the rain subsided. Well the rain was persistent and he had the phrase f*ck it cross my mind so went out to join him cross-legged on top of a hill in the rain. After about 20 or so minutes of silence they returned to our car and this is when it happened.
At this point they are at about 4 hours since they began. Nick started hissing. Hissing like a snake. And when I mean he was hissing, I mean he had his arms glued to his sides, tounge out, eyes squinted, and making a very loud hissing sound at my friend. He was like, wtf are you doing. All he would do was look my friend dead in the eye and hiss as loud as he could. He went like this for THIRTY MINUTES. HE COULD NOT TALK AT ALL. He slowly began relearning English and how to talk. He apologized and said he could not help it! I didn’t care, I was intrigued if anything. He said that he felt like a snake had taken over him and he could not control his body at all.
They had a normal comedown and eventually parted ways. When I say a normal comedown, it was filled with new experience and wonder, but I am trying to keep this already long report as short as possible even though this was his first trip. I want to focus on LSA rather than all the new beauty that comes with a trip.
About two weeks later they had another opportunity to trip. This time they went to the beach and only took 4 seeds each as they did not want a recreation of the intense experience Nick had before. But this is where I started to realized the true power of LSA.
This time, they took the seeds at the same time of day with little in their stomachs, but my friend didn’t get sick at all. Well they were laying on the beach and my friend closed his eyes for some time. There were other people some distance from them to the left and right as is unavoidable at a public beach. Now, with his eyes closed, he could see faint outlines of all these people, even Nick who was right next to him was an outline of a human. He could only notice the torsos and heads however, and it appeared almost like and aura to him. He reached his hand out to touch Nick and his arm went right through him…..he immediately awoke from this state, opening his eyes saying “dude I just touched your spirit”.
As soon as this happened he knew something was about to fly out of his rectum. They managed to make their way to the public restrooms where projectile diarrhea came out of him with at least 50psi. While on the toilet Nick periodically came in to see how my friend was doing. Mt friend could not talk to him. All he could do was ca-caw back to him mimicking the sound of a seagull while sitting in the stall. To this day he cannot replicate the extremely loud caws he was making, not even close. He knew he was a seagull and not another bird. He felt the spirit of a seagull posses him and he was taken away from his body for about 20 mins as he purged out his ass. He slowly composed himself and came out to Nick. They had a similar comedown and eventually went home.
At home he immediately looked into spirit guides and the symbols of animals and their role in the universe. The spirit of the seagull matched his life to a tee. The same origins, the same personality, the same role, everything…..its like he was living my life just as a seagull does. He chalked it up to just a crazy trip and carried on with his life.
Fast forward to present day. Two days ago he partook in the seeds alone at his home. He is experienced in taking psychedelics alone, and in some ways enjoys it more when he is using teacher plants because he feels they are more focused on his own day to day life. Anyways similar comeup, bodyload and such happened. Now, its worth noting that he chills in a finished garage and even with the painted walls and window a/c unit, still feels like a garage. This is where he was when the profound effects took hold again.
His nostrils began to flare, his teeth were showing and his whole face could not help but scrunch and contort. No audible sounds were made for the entire trip. He had become a mouse.
At this point in his life my friend was making many stupid decisions. He has putting his time and energy into things that were self destructive and wasteful instead of simply necessities he was missing. The spirit of them mouse hit home for my friend because of what it represents.
Now again he purged out his ass, but this time because of the quickness of the feeling he had to run outside and shit in his backyard (was in the garage, bathroom on the other side of the house. Thankfully this was around midnight and no one could have known hehe). Now he 100% believes in the power of purging. Not only caused by the actual physical effects of consuming certain compounds, but caused by the inward learning and releasing of toxic evil that resides in him from time to time.
His feces did not look like human feces at all. It was literally an almost black soup that had the consistency of melted silly putty. It almost congealed in a way and it smelled foul. Nothing like that has ever come out of his body. Sorry to be descriptive and nasty….but I need you to know this was not a normal product of human digestion. That was not digested food that came out of him.
There is a ton of detail I left out of his report. He wants to go WAYYYYY more into detail but this report is already long and I do not want to bore anyone. If I get positive feedback I would love to type up more personal things, but I wanted to first focus on what happened to Nick and his friend and see if anyone else has any encounter with spirit guides. It might be a little hard to understand why I call them spirit guides (I don’t even know if that’s the right terminology for what Im trying to express) because of the lack of details in this report, but basically we can learn much from animals and plants around us and LSA is a great tool for this.
I hate the bad rap that LSA gets, and I truly feel that if everyone simply just flows with what the plant wants to show you, you will get what you are trying to find. I will admit to abusing entheogens before and I know first hand that you will go through HELL if you do it. But used in the right way they can be a great ally.
Well I guess I’ll end the report here, because like I said I am no writer. I express myself through expressions, tones, and words spoken rather than on paper. I am also a perfectionist and it kills me to write because I can never get what I am really trying to say out. I feel like there is sooooo much lost. Now that’s personal, I love reading and there are some gifted writers that completely engulf me in a fully immersive experience with simple text on a paper, but alas this is not me.
What do you guys think? Thanks for reading