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medicine man
#101 Posted : 4/13/2014 6:31:42 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I chose my name because I am fortunate to not only help myself to reduce the amount of physical pain I feel on a daily basis but am also honoured to provide cannabis to other people who also use it for medicinal purposes including people who have M.S, people who suffer from seizures and one person who has a very rare form of arthritis that is not only eating his cartilage but also his bones and fusing them together (you should see his x-rays, they are something that brings tears to my eyes). Medicinal cannabis is not legal where i live so I am providing them with something that they cannot get otherwise unless they resort to visiting dealers. So I thought medicine man was appropriate.

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#102 Posted : 4/13/2014 6:56:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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What a thread. So many interesting flavors!

Mine is a translation of sunless which is the name of a film by Chris Marker.

I'm writing you all this from another world, a world of appearances. In a way the two worlds communicate with each other. Memory is to one what history is to the other: an impossibility.
Legends are born out of the need to decipher the indecipherable. Memories must make do with their delirium, with their drift. A moment stopped would burn like a frame of film blocked before the furnace of the projector. Madness protects, as fever does.
I envy Hayao in his 'zone,' he plays with the signs of his memory. He pins them down and decorates them like insects that would have flown beyond time, and which he could contemplate from a point outside of time: the only eternity we have left. I look at his machines. I think of a world where each memory could create its own legend.
He wrote me that only one film had been capable of portraying impossible memory—insane memory: Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo. In the spiral of the titles he saw time covering a field ever wider as it moved away, a cyclone whose present moment contains motionless the eye.
In San Francisco he had made his pilgrimage to all the film's locations: the florist Podesta Baldocchi, where James Stewart spies on Kim Novak—he the hunter, she the prey. Or was it the other way around? The tiles hadn't changed.
He had driven up and down the hills of San Francisco where Jimmy Stewart, Scotty, follows Kim Novak, Madeline. It seems to be a question of trailing, of enigma, of murder, but in truth it's a question of power and freedom, of melancholy and dazzlement, so carefully coded within the spiral that you could miss it, and not discover immediately that this vertigo of space in reality stands for the vertigo of time.
He had followed all the trails. Even to the cemetery at Mission Dolores where Madeline came to pray at the grave of a woman long since dead, whom she should not have known. He followed Madeline—as Scotty had done—to the Museum at the Legion of Honor, before the portrait of a dead woman she should not have known. And on the portrait, as in Madeline's hair, the spiral of time.
The small Victorian hotel where Madeline disappeared had disappeared itself; concrete had replaced it, at the corner of Eddy and Gough. On the other hand the sequoia cut was still in Muir Woods. On it Madeline traced the short distance between two of those concentric lines that measured the age of the tree and said, “Here I was born... and here I died.”
He remembered another film in which this passage was quoted. The sequoia was the one in the Jardin des plantes in Paris, and the hand pointed to a place outside the tree, outside of time.
The painted horse at San Juan Bautista, his eye that looked like Madeline's: Hitchcock had invented nothing, it was all there. He had run under the arches of the promenade in the mission as Madeline had run towards her death. Or was it hers?
From this fake tower—the only thing that Hitchcock had added—he imagined Scotty as time's fool of love, finding it impossible to live with memory without falsifying it. Inventing a double for Madeline in another dimension of time, a zone that would belong only to him and from which he could decipher the indecipherable story that had begun at Golden Gate when he had pulled Madeline out of San Francisco Bay, when he had saved her from death before casting her back to death. Or was it the other way around?
#103 Posted : 4/13/2014 7:12:52 AM

Street Chemist

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Viper + Alkoloid = Viperoid

Well i like snakes because i always linked them to chemistry. Maybe some of you know
the relationship between and ouroboros whne kekule first time describe the molecular structure of benzene.

It is mean like alkaloid of the chemistry or something like that Big grin
Impossible is just for ignorant fools
#104 Posted : 4/13/2014 9:14:59 AM

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I used to visit a forum dedicated to astral projection, and I used the name Euphoric Sunrise. I've recently kind of felt a similar vibe in my life as I did back in those days, but I don't really like that name anymore. So I just adapted it. I don't know why I just shortened it to "Euphor", but whatever. It is what it is!
The Unknowing
#105 Posted : 4/13/2014 11:41:56 AM

Life is a dream, the heart a compass

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I don't like my name anymore. It's too ugh for me. I wonder if mods can let us change it? But originally it meant using your third eye or intuition to raise your own consciousness and transcend. So cheesy
The Universe is Breathing
As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without ~ message from the divine
#106 Posted : 4/13/2014 12:44:05 PM

Homo discens

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OneEyeAscension wrote:
I don't like my name anymore. It's too ugh for me. I wonder if mods can let us change it? But originally it meant using your third eye or intuition to raise your own consciousness and transcend. So cheesy

Your best bet would probably be to PM Trav.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#107 Posted : 4/13/2014 1:46:56 PM

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I named myself after this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8spO1GDkYc because it expresses so well to me how I became deep inside after all the psychedelics and meditation.
Math head
Sweet Tea
#108 Posted : 4/13/2014 2:20:43 PM

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2 words you never see together. Corpse and buffet. Viola!

=] namaste

You can't go back and you can't stand still, if the thunder don't get ya then the lightning will
#109 Posted : 4/13/2014 10:43:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I felt that "I" had been nullified through ego death via 5meo-DMT all day long,everyday. Actually either I registered just plain null and forgot the password or someone else used it,"I" don't remember.Neutral
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#110 Posted : 4/13/2014 11:50:20 PM

Student of the Universe

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Well my username is a combonation of my political philosophy and my last name. I do not wish to disclose my last name in its entirety, but the first part "ANAR" is short for anarchist. I am a free market anarchist and hold these beliefs very near and dear to my heart. I believe in the non agression principle, simplicity, hard work, and self resposibility along with respect for your fellow man. If everyone could abide by these simple ideas, we would need no governing body. Alas, most humans are not capable of such simple tasks without the corruption of greed and power taking hold at some point so until humanity is on the precipice of destruction, most will continue life as usual. If only we would stop resisting evolution and allow Darwinism to regain control of our destiny...
“Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

The glass is not half full or half empty. The glass is just too big.

#111 Posted : 4/14/2014 2:02:02 AM
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used the tag kinky_afr0 since I was in my early teens (a reference to the song kinky afro by the happy mondays for those of you who don't know) but something drove me to mix it up a lil for the nexus Smile
#112 Posted : 4/14/2014 7:13:53 AM

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Metadata articulates a context for objects of interest'(molecules of interest) -
it's about preserving resources and sharing them across various platforms and
making sure those resources are accessible and accurate
it takes a certain amount of rigor and I'm really drawn to this type of thinking
But the second half of my name speaks to my affinity for chaos :
the style and techniques of artists, writers, etc. who exploit accidental and
incongruous effects in their work - programmatically challenging art, thought, morality, etc. "
I'm interested in traveling between two worlds with and in being a part of the community that's building,
admiration for those travelers that gone before me gratitude and curiosity for all those who
are diligently mapping, sharing and preserving languages that are new or based on ancient ones
In the spirit of adventure I aim to dive into the unknown
without abandoning my self-preservation I'm still getting my feet wet Rolling eyes
Metadada attached the following image(s):
Screen Shot 2014-04-13 at 4.38.40 PM.png (1,666kb) downloaded 133 time(s).
Pile of cats
#113 Posted : 4/14/2014 5:24:50 PM

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Not too much to my name, I was out underneath a railway bridge with a friend making some sculptures in nature and me and him gathered a whole bunch of rocks and made a pyramid out of them. A few days later at the same spot I was tripping with 2 friends under the influence of dxm powder and both of them saw that pyramid as a pile of cats and I found it really amusing at the time and it's just kind of stuck with us as a joke.
#114 Posted : 4/14/2014 6:26:43 PM

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When I was young and actively involved in the reading and collecting of comic books, I was completely in awe of Marvel's "Celestials". I still am, I guess. They're a small group of space gods in the Marvel comic universe. Over the years, I've used many of their names, for various reasons, and for the past year or two, I've been using Ashema (the Listener).

Arishem (the Judge) is the name I most commonly use.

I thought this quote from the Wiki was interesting:

"Reed Richards (of the Fantastic Four) theorized that the Celestials' source of power was Hyperspace itself – the source of all energy in the Marvel Universe.


Cognitive Heart
#115 Posted : 4/14/2014 8:56:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Mind-heart connection.
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#116 Posted : 4/14/2014 9:27:09 PM

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Well the meaning gets lost with electronic lighting in the modern age, but back in the times of primitive man, all that we had to see with was fire and sunshine. All of the visual data we interpreted and confined to memories were just the reflections of sunshine off of objects, reflected into our retinas and compiled into an image. When we are outside on a summer day, our brains are "recording" not the objects themselves, but the sunlight reflected off of those objects. So in essence, my brain is a "anon_003". And because "I" exist as an individual wholly within my brain, "I" am a "anon_003".

Also it is one of my favorite Boards of Canada songs.
Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
#117 Posted : 4/14/2014 11:35:04 PM

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Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
OneEyeAscension wrote:
I don't like my name anymore. It's too ugh for me. I wonder if mods can let us change it? But originally it meant using your third eye or intuition to raise your own consciousness and transcend. So cheesy

I PM'd Traveler and got him to change mine. As long as it's not something you continually want to change I'm sure he'll do it for you.
Muskogee Herbman
#118 Posted : 5/3/2014 5:44:24 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I figured I'd shed some light on my name.

I came up with it when I was on a website for cannabis growing after I became interested in natural herb medicines like Lion's Tail and others which eventually led me to DMT plants and here. It was also an homage to Bob Marley's African Herbsman which is one of my favorite songs. The name Muskogee is to represent my Native American roots, I am not Muskogee but my tribe is related to them, I didn't want to be specific about what tribe. Just tryin to stay incognetus Very happy
Creator help me live in a way that will make my ancestors proud.
#119 Posted : 5/3/2014 6:13:43 AM

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I chose my name because im the son of darkness, I come from the unknown, and am shrouded in my own mystery and beg to question it always. I have great morals, a line of them to live by. The lord who is my father, my teacher, the one who enlightens me silently, I am, the "DarkLordsSon"...
#120 Posted : 5/4/2014 5:46:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Earth?
The quality or condition of radiating light.
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