I first heard about DMT as a young teenager, my brother and I often had late night discussions listening to electronic music and smoking hash back in the early 90s. He would tell me about a friend of his that often took DMT, I remember finding these tales of mind altering states quite amusing but I never truly believed it.
Later on in my late teens I tried Acid and psilocybin, the best trip I remember on a strong dose of LSD was being able to visualize in colour like a video being played out of people moving around a city, almost like I was inside someone's elses mind using their eyes, it reminded me of the concept of astral projection but being able to move into someone else s body. I found psilocybin to be more enjoyable, I didn't do LSD as much especially after a trip were i thought i had died and that a demon entity was after me, this psychotic event put me off taking this drug again. One of my problems with taking hallucinogens was that I had been brought up in a christian family, this meant that I had an ongoing perceptual struggle with reality until I was around 18.
Recently I thought about doing mushrooms again, but this time with the intention of intimately exploring my mind by myself. I started to research and read trip reports from various sites, I happened to find this website after reading a few posts on DMT and I suddenly remembered my brother's stories! now DMT has become a curious fascination for the last 6 months.
I found an archive of Terrence Mckenna's spoken word recordings from a few decades ago, I suppose this was inevitable and happened fairly early on my quest for knowledge
. I feel quite scared to try it after reading some horror stories, but I know I am a lot more prepared for these types of experiences than I was in my early days.
I suppose I have come here to get some support, a way of reaching out to others with more experience that could give me some advise and insight into these things.
Thanks for reading