Greetings and blessings Pandora....
Being a migraine sufferer (Cluster right thru to hemi plegic - the whole spectrum) and other "disorder diagnosis animals".....having just disposed of ten years of hardcore Drs medicines trial and fail rubbish after finding nature has all my cures far surpassing anything "they" want me to know.....
My experiences first began with mary jane age 13 and alice age 16 - a total one off as she is rare as rocking horse muck here and havent seen nor heard of her since and I'm 33 now, coupled to that about 17 experiences with both eve and molly before giving up on human interfaces and their wormy tactics and 20 years of mary having (just stopped 3 months ago again due to the same reason)
I spent 7 years of hunting psillies literally everywhere imaginable (after reading medical trials results that they are one of the cures to clusters) and simultaneously researching mycology out of general interest and fascination from 2004 ...which resulted in a total of less than 14 libs ever on a university campus (apparently the most common species here.. pfft!), 4 strictipes and in 2011 found my first cyans - 300 wavy caps at my old primary school of all places! - I had read they were head teacher caps - (Also the last 4 of those years I had been spending every autumn and winter drinking fly agaric skin tea until 3 months ago when i found i could smoke the whole caps dried and ground which was absolutely out of this world)
so...being a newb at the time i read dose instructions for libs and ate a hundred wavys XD which pretty much put me in direct contact with my ancestors who were emitting light and very proud looking indeed. From there on I began researching ayawaska and as many entheogens/ethnobotanicals as humanly possible... failing to get that contact with the ancestors back in later journeys I did however see the earth was marked with luminous green grid light/lines and whole lot more.. never laughed more in my whole life... freedom is bliss
Last years experiences with wavys were after learning about the potentiating effect of syrian rue and i finally had a face pulling and giggling match with an... elf? after quite a startle initially
At the end of last fall I began compiling an extensive collection of juvenile (definitely not ready) visionary cacti with a view to collecting every last species - the count is now at 6 species and three of those species I have several different cultivars of
After a desperate search to find something that looked even romotely as beautiful as the visuals hoping to find where they came from I eventually found them to be Aztek/Chavin/Mayan themed (by accident through google image searches etc) I began deeper into the Aztek entheogenic complex, studying the Mexica and Xoxipilli etc....
I had prior to this scratched the surface of a few ancient works of Alchemy, Witch Herbals and the legendary chemists Alexander Shulgin and Albert Hofmann also super heroes: María Sabina, Terrence and Dennis McKenna, Andrew Weil and of course Paul stamets and been very intrigued by the documentary "the spirit molecule" also learning all about maoi interactions and which things not to use them with
I've been a horticulturist (teaching me botany) since age 4, fascinated by herptology since visions of a toad god (lol) age 2, an aquarist (teaching me basic chemistry) since 2003 and studied sciences at uni anyway; coupled with having avid gardeners for grandparents and growing up with them till the last one died when i was 12 (the ancestors i actually met through wavys) and regular trips to wavy land ever since discovery (until storage ran out each year) and having also self taught pharmacology basics from personal anger toward ridiculously widespread enforced incompetence in the medical profession...
I also began experimenting with smoking various entheogens and botanicals with the giving up of maryjane... garden herbs such as mints lemon balm sage and more gentles but also blue lilly not lotus yet, common/syrian rue and wild nightshades
- in desperation over more clusters after a failed all night aya brewing sesh :/- White caapi and psychotria v -
I managed to find a truffle farm in hollandia whom with my first experience was last weekend and was instant release and so visually stunning, less potent than waveys by far but entirely different and the experience lasted up to 6 hours (as opposed to 3-4 usually on wavys) ...and will be again tonight but enhanced with 3 grams of ground hermesius/syrian rue seeds, 1.5 sat looking at me and 1.5 of them so far swallowed I'm just passing time before hitting the final pack of hollandia, Luckily after the wavy finds it turns out theyre growing everywhere now I know what to look for, unless they spored me and wherever i went they did too.
So.... fairly nubile yet somewhat experienced in the same breath, and looking forward to being around too and thankyou for the pleasure of your warm welcomes *wishes a bliss power moon weekend*
i suppose you think that's real fwokken funneh huh? x] baaaasterdz