What if the multiverse is really just latent possibilities, our intuition or insight is a glance at the multiverses and we "choose" by our decisions and actions which universe we want to have our consciousness travel along? Almost like an infinite number of universes is really just the raw data that could happen and our consciousness is the executing program.
There is always infinite possibilities, but we can only travel down one linear path of experience/universes. Every miniscule moment could be a universe of raw data along side an infinite number of possibilities and it's not realized till our consciousness inhabits it and manifests it. Multiverses of pure information in super position, intuition and gut feeling to preview them, free will to steer consciousness to execute and manifest the universe of the actual causality.
This could explain the whole "everything is already known" and also allow for free will to both be true. Our free will could then be a navigating mechanism for our consciousness the set infinite possibilities into a finite happening. Interaction of other peoples' intuitions, free wills, decisions, and actions splinters off even more raw data from the results. Being results in themselves, means they could be "calculated" and thus predetermined in raw data. In video games and physics simulations this is call pre-parsing.
Can infinity become MORE infinite? lol
Hope any of this made sense.
* Everything I write is made up tripe: whispers of wind coming off the blades in my face for I am a fictional man with a floor fan for a brain pan.
Say something to my face, I have no choice, but to replace my reply, with your Darth Vader voice!