My first extraction and here are pictorial results.
Wanna say thanks to
CYB for putting together this noob friendly tek and everyone else that ever contributed knowledge up to this point in any way to any extraction that is available here at Nexus!
YOUR WORK IS VERY APPRECIATED by this fellow explorer. I used 60g of MHRB powder and was able to extract 1,68g of some white, some yellow and some contaminated with gunk crystals. Right now i have already done re-x and its in the freezer so i will be posting those pictures as soon as done. Must say almost every part of extraction went as it should only problem that i had was getting the temperature of hot baths to just right to speed the process of separation (also some help from members in chat about this part-thank you
It was very interesting and in some ways also challenging process of 4 years. Going from hearing about spice to searching for it and finally coming to conclusion that best way is to get my hands dirty and do it by myself. I couldn't do it with out this incredible community
YOURS TRULY Hardboiled!
hardboiled attached the following image(s):
(8,597kb) downloaded 302 time(s). DSC_0127.JPG
(8,634kb) downloaded 297 time(s). DSC_0139.JPG
(9,260kb) downloaded 297 time(s). DSC_0144.JPG
(8,780kb) downloaded 299 time(s). DSC_0146.JPG
(6,994kb) downloaded 309 time(s).ΛWhat you are is this deep deep thing...and you love to play.Λ - ?