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I too may be going to jail... Options
#1 Posted : 3/21/2014 9:27:09 PM

Homo discens

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Hello all,
After being inspired by a similar post from a member who I very much respect and cherish, I have decided to share with you fine folks the situation I am currently facing, in which I could really use some support and encouragement.

I won't go into too much self-incriminating detail, But I will say that some time in the next couple of weeks, there is a chance that I may be sent to rehab or county jail for making the god-awful decision to have a couple of drinks at work one night (I work in a restaurant where on-the-clock ethanol consumption is fully accepted, and is practiced by most employees).I am on unsupervised probation, and I have been working my way through a court-mandated intensive outpatient treatment program for the last 14 months. I was asked to submit a urinalysis for my counselor the next day and the panel they test us with includes ethylglucuronide (EtG), a metabolite of ethanol which is detectable in urine for up to 80 hours.

Worst case scenario, I could potentially be looking at one hundred and eighty days in my county's detention facility. I am not a hardened criminal, I am simply a young man who struggles with substance dependency. I do not belong in jail, nor do I truly feel my situation warrants court-mandated inpatient rehabilitation. But that is not my call to make.

My parents, the psychologist I see regularly, and my counselor are all out of town right now, so my support network is pretty minimal at the moment. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. I will keep this thread updated as things progress.

I apologize if I overlooked any details required to understand my situation, I have been pretty distracted for the last week. Feel free to ask me anything. Peace and love to all.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#2 Posted : 3/21/2014 9:52:16 PM

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Sorry to hear about the situation... Best of luck!

Wish you awareness and strenght to deal with whatever may come Smile
#3 Posted : 3/21/2014 10:18:06 PM

Homo discens

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endlessness wrote:
Sorry to hear about the situation... Best of luck!

Wish you awareness and strenght to deal with whatever may come Smile

Thank you endlessness, that means a lot to me. I appreciate your kind words and support.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#4 Posted : 3/22/2014 12:26:32 AM

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Sorry to hear that. Life's a big ol bag of garbage sometimes, and there's not much that can be done about that. All that ever matters is how you deal with it, and your attitude.

Good luck, and I am hoping for the best.
Be an adult only when necessary.
#5 Posted : 3/22/2014 3:55:10 AM

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Same things said to hostilis apply to you as well. Be strong brother. Its like I said to him, probation often doesn't keep you from being locked up, only keeps you under the "man's" scrutiny for even longer (even unsupervised sucks, as you know), and you end up doing your time on"the installment plan", as many folks on probation call it. Many I know wished they'd refused the offer and taken the time instead. At least you get it over with.

DUI,(I'm guessing: was the original charge, and while it's a seriously dangerous, and frankly stupid thing to do, the laws and punishments for it are largely revenue-generating schemes. (duh). It's a total scam, and there is an entire industry built around dui prosecution,. The"rehabs", (I'm gonna stop before I go into a diatribe about how the court system props up the 12-step treatment establishment, which is not supposed to receive outside endorsement, and is a system geared towards mental health that hadn't changed it's ineffective approach for what-80 years?,.ugh,.sorry)

Chances are, if you've been doing well on your probation guidelines and haven't screwed up before, you won't receive any kind if sanction and certainly won't be violated. But I'm just a jailhouse lawyer, nit one in real life.

Best wishes friend, and for you as well, may the universe move favorably in your direction, and may you and your family have peace.
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#6 Posted : 3/22/2014 4:03:04 AM

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Ah no sorry to read that, what a deranged system I sincerely hope they see sense. If you do the time are you free to drink whenever you like within the law afterwards? I wish you the best of luck and that the right thing is done by you.
#7 Posted : 3/22/2014 11:04:01 AM
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can you get a lawyer?

hope things go your way and best of luck Entheogenerator
#8 Posted : 3/22/2014 12:25:36 PM
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Sent to rehad, possibly jail for a couple of drinks on the job? Proposterous.
Well if you're going to jail, see it as a monastry. You get a chance to "be away from it all"
and meditate for a couple 100 days on end. That's not so bad Smile

Luckily I've never been imprisoned, but I was arrested, cuffed and thrown in a cell at the police station once,
for the capital crime of smoking a joint in a (somewhat) public place. They locked me up for about 6 hours, but for
all I knew I could be spending the night there.

At first I was furios, yelling through the cell door calling them Nazis, Fascists...etc
Then I realised it wasn't going to achieve anything. Then I just decided to sing. The cell proved to
have good accoustics Smile Then I decided to meditate and before I knew it I was released from my cell to give a statement. Then I was allowed to go home.

Life can shovel alot of shit at you, but just how bad it will suck is up to your attitude and response to said shit.
And hey; Things could still be many times worse; At least you didn't get caught with 2 kgs of MHRB in the midst of an extraction. Pleased
Cosmic Spore
#9 Posted : 3/22/2014 3:05:59 PM

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Our thoughts are with you, Entheogenerator.

I wish you the best; I hope things work out smoothly, and in your favor.
#10 Posted : 3/22/2014 9:11:27 PM

Homo discens

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Thank you everyone, I cannot even begin to describe how much I appreciate your support.

null24: I fully agree with your position on the "justice" system and their connections to 12-step programs. Fortunately, the outpatient program I have been working through is not 12-step based, so it has been incredibly helpful and more effective for me than any 12-step program I have tried in the past. I hope you're right about the odds of me being sanctioned or given a probation violation.

DreaMTripper: yes, if myprobation were to be revoked and I were to serve my sentence, I would be an entirely free man when I completed the sentence. I'm not sure where I stand on drinking ethanol in the future, as I have never particularly enjoyed it, but I would be free to do so afterwards if I were to serve my sentence.

nen888: Yes, I can and will get a lawyer if and when I get summoned back into court. When I was originally facing charges, I found a very good lawyer who was willing to work with whatever I could afford to pay him, so I will most likely contact him again.

SKA: That is exactly my plan. If I must be incarcerated for any extended period of time, I will look at it as a vacation from everything and a chance to explore my mind further through meditation and similar practices. They may chain up my body, but they can never chain my thoughts. Caged or not, I will continue to explore my consciousness.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#11 Posted : 3/23/2014 7:34:04 AM

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The best of luck to you at this time of need, I'll be sending positive vibes your way.
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#12 Posted : 3/23/2014 3:12:54 PM

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Entheo, my man...

Sorry I haven't posted sooner. I've been taking a few days off the forums and such while teaching programming.

Well, what can I say? Hang in there?

If you see existence the way that I do, then you might consider that everything that occurs is willed by one's self.... And as such, at points like this that's passed in my life while I was younger, it made me consider that I was at a crossroads and needed to decide what had really brought me to this point in the first place.

Is this a cry for help to myself? Is there something about myself that deep down I actually want to make a change of? And I've figured out that I'm incapable of making this change on my own?

Am I trying to scare myself into choosing the right path so I can succeed on my own?

It seems to me that this is the time to do some real life soul-searching and determine if you want to make a change and if you're ready for that.

You've said in your posts that you don't even like ethanol, and that detail for some reason seems to stick out to me.

You've become a trusted friend here, to me, and I absolutely wish for you to experience that which you feel you need in order to continue forwards, more centered on the correct path for yourself, which I believe, deep down is what you're looking for.

If you need anything, you know that you are more than welcome to reach out to me, either via this thread (which I'll be monitoring now) or via private message.

Sending you "vibes" that represent those which you need for whichever direction you ultimately believe you need for moving forwards.


..."We are caged by our cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it’s worth. You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms."
#13 Posted : 3/23/2014 6:06:06 PM

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I feel for ya, I'm sorry it turned out that way. Just keep in mind that it's day by day, if it DOES require jail time seek solice in the fact that ur "sentence" is just a possibility of what you COULD serve. In most cases, do to overcrowding, they'll try to keep you out. Or serve 10% of that time. Best of luck...
"..I find myself stirred awake by the ambient noises of the world outside and a realization that my train of thought may not be running on time…but I've nowhere to be...except here."
#14 Posted : 3/30/2014 4:06:27 AM

Homo discens

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Quick Update:
I met with my counselor briefly yesterday, the one who will determine whether or not the court is notified of my foolishness. Sadly, she has been struggling with some family matters since the day after the incident. She had an aunt die, so she bought a ticket to fly east for the funeral. The day before she left, another one of her aunts died, and the day after she arrived a third aunt of hers passed away. I can't even fathom how difficult this must be for her. Crying or very sad

Anyhow, she was out of town last week so I didn't see her until yesterday. We held our weekly group meeting yesterday, but she was so bent out of shape that we were only able to speak very briefly. I did not get the impression that she wanted to nail me to the cross for this incident, so that is promising. We have a very good relationship, and I know she really cares about me as a client, so her intention is not to punish me. Her intention is to help me. But, I am still unsure whether or not she will feel obligated to notify the court. I will be meeting with her again on Monday or Tuesday, and I will update the thread after that happens.

Again, thank you all for your kind words and support. I truly treasure this forum, as well as each and every one of it's members. Smile
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#15 Posted : 3/30/2014 2:23:30 PM

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I hope things work out as positive as possible.
Also for her.
#16 Posted : 3/30/2014 3:06:13 PM


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Good luck man and stay away from ethanol - except using it a polar solvent Big grin the intake is somehow linked to shit going wrong.
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#17 Posted : 3/30/2014 4:08:06 PM

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Thinking of you brother and hoping for the removal of obstacles in your life so you may continue to grow towards greatest fulfillment and happiness. You got this! Thumbs up

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#18 Posted : 3/30/2014 4:47:27 PM

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Sorry to hear this..
This can happen once the system with its laws gets a hold of a person...

I hope you find a way to avoid this jail time ..because it isnt right..

Sadly..Alcohol is the leagle drug of the government ..because it can temporarly blind many good people and make them more controlable and uncontrolable..

Be smart and play their game and avoid jail time if posible... their are things inside us that the government can never take away...
Stay on line...cheers..
#19 Posted : 3/30/2014 10:17:55 PM

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I would maybe notify your lawyer if you have one, to start thinking about some possible defenses. In my experience a lawyer can get you of anything. Don't admit to anything even your trusted counselor. Good luck.
#20 Posted : 3/30/2014 11:10:28 PM

Homo discens

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Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it.

Adam: I do not have a lawyer per se, but I have developed a decent relationship with a local lawyer who has represented me in the past. I may contact him some time in the next couple of days depending on what happens from here.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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