Aha, so no STB for SWIM.
So, SWIM is considering 2 options now. Help SWIM with choosing the best one
1. DRY TEKSWIM doesn't have acetone, only Hempel 823, which is a thinner, a good non-polar solvent. Could SWIM use that or it has to be acetone ? (It's not a problem to get acetone for SWIM)
Oh, and can someone link SWIM the sodium carbonate dry tek ? SWIM couldn't find the right one.
2. A/BSWIM is familiar with the A/B extraction, but he's not sure if he could do it with the mats that are available to SWIM:
-Sodium carbonate
-Hempel 823 thinner (non-polar solvent)
Or if you have any other idea, SWIM would like to hear them. But keep in mind these are most likely the only mats he can get.