I wrote this in my mid teens. I had an experience that told me some of the answers I was looking for could be found in a poem that I'd written. The problem was, finding it. I had submitted it on poetry.com. I tried to find it on the site, but looks like the don't have many records from those early years (hehehehe). Luckily, they had selected it to be in one of their publications, and I have a copy of the book.... SO, here it is:
Like a seed.
Life is such a perfect circle,
And a circle such a perfect life.
But do circles truly exist?
They are only ideas.
Life does not truly exist,
It is only an idea.
All ideas are perfect to someone.
End the want for a perfect life,
It's already been awarded to you.
Plant the seed and grow.
Do not grow on the past or the future,
The past is easily changed,
And future never determined.
Grow into a reality that is not established,
Grow from original thought.
Do not see through your eyes,
They only see one perception.
See from everyone,
See from the perception of life.
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.