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what kind of jars you use to stock your spice? Options
#1 Posted : 3/17/2014 4:10:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I was wondering what kind of recip one use to stock his spice
here are mine...
it's very poor Very happy , I took the smallest glass I have, and it goes in the fridge!

Does somebody knows about http://www.dabjars.com/ ?
there is some glass or silicone small jars there. I think silicon is not a good idea for freebase (need confirmation) but glass ones seem to be ok.
If someone have feedback about this, please share.
simplexus attached the following image(s):
IMG_9237.JPG (1,646kb) downloaded 220 time(s).
IMG_9238.JPG (1,710kb) downloaded 219 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 3/17/2014 5:03:36 AM

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I wouldn't trust silicone for freebase DMT. The organic side groups on the siloxane might react to the freebase DMT since it is soluble in organic solvents. This plus the alkalinity of freebase could corrode the silicone or degrade the DMT. A salt of DMT seems like it would be less likely to react due to it polar nature.

But I this is just a guess. And I honestly don't completely trust anything besides earthenware for storing things that I plan to consume. Plastics and such usually leach dangerous chemicals over time.

Glass would be the best option. You could probably find some small vials somewhere. Or reuse washed jars from food.
#3 Posted : 3/17/2014 5:17:16 AM

Homo discens

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I have found that glass 1 dram vials are a good thing to have on hand when storing powdered or crystalline compounds. 1/3 dram, 5/8 dram, 2 dram, and 3 dram vials are also nice to have around for smaller/larger amounts.
Entheogenerator attached the following image(s):
vials.JPG (57kb) downloaded 212 time(s).
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#4 Posted : 3/17/2014 6:53:24 PM

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I had to get creative and I use an old plastic pog case with a snap tight lid.

I still have no idea what the hell the point of pogs and slammers is, and I still have no idea why I still have so many.
"A troop of elves smashes down your front door and rotates and balances the wheels on the after death vehicle, present you with the bill and then depart. And it's completely paradigm shattering. I mean, ya know, union with the white light you could handle. An invasion of your apartment by jeweled self dribbling basketballs from hyperspace that are speaking in demonic Greek is NOT something that you anticipated and could handle!' -T.M.

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#5 Posted : 3/17/2014 7:16:18 PM

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Def recommoned jyarz, their air tight, and can hold alot of dreams. And the wide mouth opening makes it easy to get a dose out.
#6 Posted : 3/17/2014 8:06:48 PM

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I use the JAM1 1.5oz jars from Specialty Bottle. They hold at maximum up to around 15g of fumarate or maybe 6g of fluffy freebase and are dirt cheap. The glass ones at the DabJars link look like around the right size (maybe slightly smaller), but they have plastic lids.

I definitely recommend jars rather than vials because the large mouth makes it easier to get DMT in and out. Vials require a funnel to load them.
Mitakuye Oyasin
#7 Posted : 3/17/2014 8:42:50 PM

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Specialty Bottle is the bomb! Jars, vials, droppers, spray bottles and much more at one place. I love storing cannabis flowers and extracts in glass - AND I can pull a vacuum on all my glass jars for long term storage and freshness. I have some flowers that are years old that still taste as fresh as a new harvest. I also store my honey oils and waxes in their glass jars and vials. Can't pull a vac on the vials, but they are great for storing small amounts and transporting them in a pocket or small bag.
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#8 Posted : 3/18/2014 8:38:57 AM

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I use this:

and keep it in the fridge.
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#9 Posted : 3/18/2014 3:42:02 PM

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These are my preference in clear glass bottles , there cheap aswell $4 for ten !!Thumbs up

#10 Posted : 3/18/2014 5:42:12 PM

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Woah specialty bottle seems cool. They even have a DMT specific jar section titled Spice Jars!


Big grin
"A troop of elves smashes down your front door and rotates and balances the wheels on the after death vehicle, present you with the bill and then depart. And it's completely paradigm shattering. I mean, ya know, union with the white light you could handle. An invasion of your apartment by jeweled self dribbling basketballs from hyperspace that are speaking in demonic Greek is NOT something that you anticipated and could handle!' -T.M.

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#11 Posted : 3/18/2014 9:00:30 PM

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I use my girlfriends finished eye and face cream jars. They are really wide mouthed and shallow so easy to get spice out of.


Probably also good from a stealth point of view and you end up with glowing radiant skin in the mean time too!
#12 Posted : 3/27/2014 12:51:20 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I use to keep it contained inside of one of my spare contact lense cases. Now I am currently using one of those rubber type containers that are made for hash oil. I have not noticed any degradation of the container or of the product itself. It doesnt taste any differently or anything either.

The best thing to use though is probably a glass vial of sorts. Glass is always a good bet.
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