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Pervuian Torch Powder and Egg White Cleansing Options
#1 Posted : 3/16/2014 9:07:49 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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So, i've had some PT powder (114 grams) in a bag in my drawer for about a year or two now, and so i figured i might as well do something with it. I had a previous attempt at cactus with some San Pedro powder, but the brew was incredibly impossible for me to filter and so i never went anywhere with that.

So tonight i decided to take my powder, boil it on up in a big pot of water, and added in 5 egg whites, which to my surprise, managed to clean it up quite a good bit, the egg whites bound to the slimyness and only a little bit remained behind, and everything was pretty easily filtered even though i did have to filter some parts of the liquid through a t-shirt first which had me twisting the liquid out slowly but surely, but most of the liquid was pretty clean and easily filterable.

Then i filtered everything through some coffee filters and added the liquid to the big pot again as i had to reduce the tea down. Before i turned on the medium heat, i tossed in a couple more egg whites to bind to whatever remained in the tea, and boom-shocka-locka! a clear reddish looking tea was born. This tea was reduced down to a smaller amount, re-filtered, and is currently back to reducing down to a smaller amount.

I'm thinking about reducing it down to 300mls and putting it in the freezer overnight and thawing later on tomorrow in order to get rid of any remaining sediment that might be there. I'm thinking about a dose of 38 grams, 3 doses in 114 grams, 100mls each dose, how does that sound? Also, the only thing i'm concerned about is burning the mesc during boiling, but people have said boiling the cactus is fine just don't use too much heat and keep an eye on the brew, so i hope all is good, cuz if so, i'll be having my first mesc experience Smile

As for details about how the tea currently looks while it's reducing down, it's a reddish yellow liquid, that is watery instead of slimy. So yeah, eggs are awesome, is there anything eggs can't do, or clean? I've even made a Syrian Rue seed brew with egg whites, and managed to drink it down mixed with some sweetened tea (was only a tad bit bitter). I'm beginning to really like this egg white thing, lol.

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#2 Posted : 3/17/2014 3:52:38 PM

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It would be interesting to know ..[after using egg whites to clean tea]..if the tea has a cleaner mescaline experiance ?
So many who drink pedro or peruvian tea experiance some negative effects and this sounds like a good idea to clean the tea before consumption..as long as it doesnt remove the mescaline ...
#3 Posted : 3/17/2014 6:23:59 PM


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My understanding is that egg white is used in aya type brews to remove the tannins. I don't believe tannins are the issue with tricho tea. My understanding could be wrong though.
#4 Posted : 3/17/2014 6:41:20 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Well as far as i know the egg whites cleaned up the cactus tea by binding to the actual cactus powder, but it does clean tannins as well. Apparently egg whites are really good at cleansing teas. However, i tried tasting the tea today and one sip was like ugh.... Hell, the Syrian Rue seed tea tasted better than the cactus tea lol. At this point idk if i'm gonna be able to drink it or if i'm gonna try evaporating the tea so i can just ingest the residue.

If you're someone who can drink cactus tea and can put up with the taste, then the egg white thing def. cleans up the brew and makes it easier to filter, but for me taste is an issue as i have a fairly weak stomach.
#5 Posted : 3/17/2014 8:58:59 PM


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I decant mine to get the sediment out
#6 Posted : 3/18/2014 3:11:24 AM

Homo discens

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nicechrisman wrote:
My understanding is that egg white is used in aya type brews to remove the tannins. I don't believe tannins are the issue with tricho tea. My understanding could be wrong though.

This is my understanding as well. There are already some easy and well-known methods for removing the cactus matter sediment, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have another.
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#7 Posted : 3/18/2014 7:59:18 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah, the egg whites cleaned it up quite a good bit, in fact, when the egg whites were ready to be filtered out/off, the tea was very noticeably cleaner, and though there obviously was still plant matter in there, i'd say it was only maybe 25 percent of the total amount of plant matter that was in there, so the egg whites got quite a bit of that plant matter, and the tea went from a slimy and goopy pea-soup like brew, to a very noticeably clearer/cleaner tea. Granted, i'm sure maybe i fucked the taste up a bit by not doing longer slower boils because i was too hasty and cut the heat up to medium, but nonetheless the tea was clean, the taste... not so much, for me anyways.

The thing about this egg white thing, is that i've noticed it greatly affects the taste of something like DMT-containing teas or even Syrian Rue tea (which without the egg white cleansing, i def. would not be able to drink), so the taste def. improves, though to what extent with the cacti i'm not sure. Atleast the texture of the cactus tea has def. improved though, so there is that. Looks a bit like a syrup, albeit a lighter syrup instead of a thick syrup.
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