onani wrote:... I can now ALWAYS hear a ringing in my ears, the exact same pitch as the carrier wave. I can focus on it, and it actually helps me relax a bit, and makes clearing my mind during meditation much much more easy. On mild DMT trips I also focus on the carrier wave and it helps take me further into the trip.
It does slightly other me that the high pitched ringing is now ALWAYS there. I don't think this is normal lol. Anyone else have anything similar? probably nothing to worry about, right?
Not to worry friend, this is not ordinary tinnitus, which is a physical anomaly usually caused by damage to the material eardrums. When I was a lad of 10, I had water on the ear and the infection caused tinnitus for a few months afterwards. The two are not the same. Granted, there is a similarity in tonal pitch. But be assured, this is an indicator that you have tuned-in to higher frequencies of energy at play. I am hearing it now, even as I type these words. It is my constant companion and my guardian angel (kinda, sorta... don't mean to come off all religious and/or New Age flakey). It's language is of cosmic proportions and is a wondrous gift to receive. It's of primary importance not to fight against it. Go with the sound and discover it's original source. Admittedly, it may cause insomnia or even in some cases, panic attacks but I urge anyone who is graced by this sonic phenomenon, to embrace it enthusiastically and explore it further. Consider it a blessing in disguise, a psychic gift of sorts, as it surely is!
bindu wrote:In any case, there is a branch of yoga, or lets say a group of techniques from the tantras; which is called nada yoga.
Basically its sound yoga, perhaps people which practice those techniques can tell you more about it. Should be pretty normal to them to hear inner sounds like that.
Absolutely! I have been practicing Kriya Yoga and Nada Yoga meditation, since 1979 and I feel that it is a direct pathway into the realm of unbound, Infinite Consciousness. I first encountered this high-pitched ringing tone in 1974, when I initially began to do Seon Buddhist sitting meditation (Korean Zen). It incrementally got louder and more present in my life, as the months unfolded. At first, it really bothered me. In fact, I thought I was going crazy at the tender age of 16 years old!!! Regardless of whether or not I am insane (I remain quite neutral on my own mental status, as I like to think I am an objective person), learning to live with this condition became a very, very beautiful and most fruitful continuum.
When I became a regular pot smoker, the ringing became synonymous with being "buzzed". One of my indicators as to the potency of the herb imbibed, is the increase in volume and oscillation of this ringing tonality. Psychedelics like: LSD, mescaline and psilocybin mushrooms, certainly blew the lid off of the proverbial pot!!! DMT is even more so, a direct catalyst to this powerful experience. Entheogens thrust the witness of one's experience to encounter new realities, add infinitum, as does meditation training (at a much more gradual pace). The interior realm of traversing through these inner sounds perceivable, is the journey of a lifetime and beyond... and it became crystal clear to me, that these inner sounds are direct echoes of primal, universal workings.
BTW, have any of you heard the sound of Saturn's rings, recorded by satellite transmissions? There are definitive parallels with the enigmatic song of the
Carrier Wave, for sure. Everything arises from this eternal sound and that is a miraculous thing, indeed.
rayustsolaris wrote:But I do think it has to do with awakening psychic centers. The Hindus have known this for a long time, and they developed nada yoga, as the previous poster mentioned, to tune into these inner sounds, which are actually subtle sounds that pervade all space. When you raise your vibrations, through the use of psychedelics, or meditation, you start tuning into the universal Mind, which contains an infinitude of vibrations, and these become audible to psychic or self awareness. And they can be very blissful sounds. But....these inner sounds are supposed to awaken naturally through the course of personal development, and psychedelic use can awaken these sounds prematurely, and become overwhelming if one is not prepared for it. Which I think happened to me. I wanted to experience the highest high possible, and I chose the psychedelic route, and did copious amounts of lysergic over a short period, which opened a channel for that high-pitched tone to become manifest.
It's a real high frequency tone that I hear most of the time. But there are other sounds that I also hear on occasion. These different sounds are associated with different levels or planes of consciousness. The more you become subjectively aware, the more sounds you will hear. The sounds "out there" can then be heard "in here." The consciousness of the universal Mind becomes reflected in your consciousness. As they say, 'the Macrocosm is in the microcosm (man).' We are here to tune into those infinite vibrations, and help others tune into them. Unrestrained psychedelic use can cause problems down the road. I think it is maybe a good idea to take them in a sacred context, as a sacrament. Seems that is what the indigenous Amazonian people take them for.
Yes, this is spot-on! There are several schools of meditation which deal directly with said sound frequency, in the process of deep meditation practice. Hindus, Sufis and Sikhs all use these tones as an avenue to ascend into the higher realms of existential being. As has been stated, Nada Yoga is the path of traversing into higher and still higher vibratory oscillations of the
Sound Current. All sound is the product of the OM or AUM vibration.
Adherents to this form of meditative training, utilize this phenomenon to travel spiritually, deeper and still deeper into the essence of this magikal tone. Surat Shabd Yoga, as practiced by followers of the Radhasoami Faith or Sant Mat, also train within this esoteric tradition, which focuses directly upon this manifestation, as well as the
Inner Light. It's important to me to follow the Sacred Sound Current to it's source, through harnessing attention directly at the Ajna chakra, Mind's Eye or
The Third Eye.
Although, realistically in this instance, it is more the
The Third Ear, which we are discussing. but all of our senses conjoin at this point, drawing our conscious-awareness beyond the confines of the physical world. This vortexial center calls the soul of mankind to be lifted aloft, higher into the subtle realms of Universal Mind, the Unified Field of Being, the Omniself or simply/religiously, God. Not that old Biblical authority figure, rather, the Cosmic Intelligence which manifests as our reality and many others. And IMHO, this high-pitched ringing is music. Music of the soul and the song of Divine Love, calling us to unite through direct immersion (love in it's highest, purest form).
Many folks who do not use entheogens at all, via mantra repetition or attention upon the breath, experience this when practicing meditation (and are often confused by it's seemingly constant presence). But don't be worried, as I said before, it is a signpost of sorts, signalling that you/I/we are moving into more transcendent levels of conscious-awareness.
In a nut-shell, it is an open invitation to go with the sound and follow it beyond the realm of personal subjectivity and eclipse with the Godhead or Paramatman. Upon traversing deepest into this frequency with unwavering focus and a crystalline, fixed attention, a shift occurs in our perception and a new intensity blooms exponentially... as one arrives at
The Roaring Silence. I feel that we ought to explore this wholly universal tone, for it leads to the Supreme State, the undifferentiated and Absolute nature of Brahman.
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.