Hello, been smoking 10 x Caapi again and it's put me in a mood to post
10xCaapi is so mellow compared to Rue Harmala, its refreshing.
I've also been performing the, TAO OF RUE tek all weekend on 500g Rue seeds.
This is my third time and this time i've nailed it properly. I'll have the final yield tomorrow. Its gonna be huge and super pure.
Anyway, the reason i posted was to say i received my Herbal Passion Flower.
It smells amazing and looks really tastey, i cant wait to make some changa with it.
There was alot of stalks and stems in there, so i used my siv and collected all the fine matter.
I smoke my changa in riza, so the finer the better.
Here endeth my post.
Hope you all had a great weekend...