Hello all,
I have been an avid reader of this site for the past few months and I finally decided to go ahead and be a part of the wonderful things going on here.
I have been interested in psychedelics and how they can benefit personal development for years now, and have had many amazing experiences with LSD and mushrooms. I first heard of DMT a couple of years ago, but due to my circumstances at the time I was never able to procure my own spice to experiment with.
Using the invaluable information found here I recently completed my first extraction of ACRB using a combination of several different A/B teks, and now have an abundance of some beautiful crystals that I am very excited to try. I have smoked twice, both times taking low doses and have not yet had a full breakthrough experience yet. I plan on loading a full dose tomorrow in order to have a full breakthrough tomorrow, and I am very excited (and a little nervous).
I really love the community here and I am very excited to become a part of it, hopefully being able to contribute whatever information I find during my personal experiences.
Thank you all and I very much look forward to getting to know you better.
Peace, Light, Love,