Yesterday i did a STB extraction With 50g acrb.
My extraction took only 2 hours from start to pulling, and yes that was With da defat as well.
I only had time to do one pull and that was ready when i got home from work today.
I got 157mg with white x-tals and 220mg With a bunch of the same white x-tals stuck on red/golden goo. 337mg in total on firs pull.
I just threw a good 40g salt in the mix and will do the second pull right now.
Some photos below.(first three is defatting)
Travling Tommy attached the following image(s):
(4,328kb) downloaded 219 time(s). DSCF2451.JPG
(4,438kb) downloaded 216 time(s). DSCF2458.JPG
(4,584kb) downloaded 216 time(s). DSCF2464.JPG
(4,649kb) downloaded 217 time(s). DSCF2466.JPG
(4,512kb) downloaded 216 time(s). DSCF2467.JPG
(4,573kb) downloaded 215 time(s). DSCF2468.JPG
(4,373kb) downloaded 214 time(s). DSCF2469.JPG
(4,331kb) downloaded 218 time(s). DSCF2470.JPG
(4,366kb) downloaded 217 time(s).Im a liar.
Everything i say or write is a lie, or imagination.
The pictures that i post here are either stolen or manipulated.
I am a bad person.