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Losing My 5-MeO-DMT Virginity Options
#1 Posted : 3/2/2014 12:59:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I want to start things off by saying, that I have been truly humbled by this experience. It completely exceeded my expectations. Somewhere in this "Bufotenine and 5-MeO-DMT" subforum, one member pointed out how Oroc referred to N,N as 'child's play' compared to 5-MeO with another member retorting in disbelief that N,N could look like child's play. As far as I'm concerned, Oroc's statement stands. This singular experience has entirely dwarfed on the scale of intensity any DMT (or DMT vaped on harmalas or at an aya peak) experience I've had, and there have been some pretty epically intense ones.

Ok, now bear with me as I go through this rundown leading into the experience. I want to make sure this is thoroughly documented so there is no confusion. I smoked around 5-7mg 5-MeO-DMT HCl, though I intend to freebase some in the future. I lent away my GVG to a friend, so all I had was my wooden VG, and I had no screens, ash or plant material, but I figured 'what the heck' and threw the tiny bit of 5-MeO on top of the single screen that comes with the VG. I figured if it melts into the neck, it'll probably just lessen the blow. So I'm a mere second away from activating my butane torch above the VG when all of a sudden I hear a loud yappy dog start barking, and I think, "you've gotta be kidding me." I wait a minute or so, and the dog stops, and I go to activate the butane...and of course it breaks. It's been more reliable than most butanes, but just as I go to vape 5-MeO for the first time, it busts. I wasn't about to let that stop me, so I decide to take the top part of the VG with the ceramic filter off, grab a bic, and pull down the flame the old fashioned way.

I took one very long inhale. The smoke was notably not harsh at all, and tasted a bit sweet actually. Now people around here have said that 5-MeO comes on even faster than N,N, and as I would read that, I would think, "how is that even possible?" For me N,N comes on within 5-7 seconds while holding the hit in...well let me tell you, they were right. It was a good 2-3 seconds that the sweet smoke was in my lungs, and all of a sudden I'm in the deep end of the pool. The aesthetic in the air is indicating an imminent breakthrough of the highest order. Taking that second hit was in no way ever seriously considered. So I put the pipe down, and things are starting fast, and I'm already losing my bearings.

Within instants my hands start going through automatic mudras, creating spirals near my temples. The amount of energy that flooded the room in such a short time was astounding. There were patterns and visuals, and they were a bit DMT-like but they weren't the main attraction in the slightest. They certainly didn't form anything representational at any point. It was more like a gigantic quilt or swath of patterns that just pervaded everything. They were holographic, and I was sort of bleeding into them. The tactile sensations were very difficult to cope with including bizarre boundary dissolution. It made sense to me when people talk about becoming a pattern on 5-MeO, and it's quite a different feeling than becoming the pattern on N,N. In the case of 5-MeO, it was much more physical and literal. So this is all within the first few seconds, and I can tell pretty quickly that I'm in over my head. I recall thinking right as I was going into the experience that, "I hope I don't run into any entities" but little did I realize that it's not entities that you have to fear with this stuff.

The sheer intensity was overwhelming, and I just couldn't let go and settle into it, so I spin around, open my laptop, and try to put on some music to get my bearings. I turn the music on, but at this point, I can now tell that purging is inevitable (should have listened to Pandora by having a puke bucket ready). I stand up, and make my expedient, well-practiced tryptamine-dash-to-the-toilet routine. It was sort of like diving headfirst into an aya purge, particularly one brought on by smoking too much DMT on an aya experience. It twists my intestines, and I hack up some bile, so now I have a knotted stomach, and a burning throat...and wouldn't you know that's when the euphoria starts kicking in.

I do my ecstatic, sluggish shuffle back to the seat in my room, and now I can enjoy the experience. It lasts a good deal longer than N,N. I'd say it was a good 20-30 minutes with a nice afterglow persisting for another 30 min. After returning from purging the euphoria was shooting through the roof. It was on par with returning from a white light encounter with the godhead with +++++ euphoria just flowing on and on. The patterns were still there, and as I closed my eyes I became enveloped in them, as the energy which was still flooding the room oscillated my body gyroscopically along odd angles and trajectories. It's a real treat to exist in that effortlessly connected state for such a duration of time. I opened my eyes, saw my guitar on my bed, decided to document the experience musically, and recorded a well-inspired jam. I was using these long swelling tones, and I was creating big warbling oscillations with vibrato and feedback, that mimicked the energetic state I was in. I capped it off with a triumphant, majestic ending as I was trying to express the royal divine euphoria that was flowing through me. I was pretty deeply intertwined in the 5-MeO state throughout the jam.

Next time, I intend to take it sublingually for hopefully a more gentle and all 'round enjoyable experience. The next time I smoke/vape it, it will also be in the freebase form. Now, I know my way around hyperspace, but I don't know just how much hundreds of N,N experiences prepared me for this. It truly is in a league of its own by dwarfing the intensity of any DMT breakthrough, and I've spent a fair amount of time in the upper echelon of hyperspace. I said it to start, and I'll say it to end: I am truly humbled.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb

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#2 Posted : 3/2/2014 2:19:09 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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sounds illuminating Global, thanks for sharing. I have some 5MEO in my magic drawer but ive not yet plucked up the bravery to try it, your tale makes me think i should.

Id be very interested to know how it goes if you try it sublingually as that is the ROA that interests me the most

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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corpus callosum
#3 Posted : 3/2/2014 4:24:17 PM

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Global wrote:
Now, I know my way around hyperspace, but I don't know just how much hundreds of N,N experiences prepared me for this. It truly is in a league of its own by dwarfing the intensity of any DMT breakthrough, and I've spent a fair amount of time in the upper echelon of hyperspace. I said it to start, and I'll say it to end: I am truly humbled.

Wow. This makes me shudder.

Thanks for sharing the experience, Global. And to think 5 Meo DMT was not so long ago a research chemical as easy to source as the rest. Maybe its a good thing its not so readily available................
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#4 Posted : 3/2/2014 5:20:21 PM

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I am very interested in trying 5-meo-DMT one day, but I don't know if I have the courage. NN-DMT freaks me out so much as it is.

I am actually half way through Oroc's "Tryptamine Palace" right now. What in ancredible read. In some ways I wish I could start over with psychedelics and just jump blindly into a full on 5-MEO trip. I worry that I know too much about these things to ever be able to get myself to take that plunge!

It's interesting that you can have so much experience with DMT, and still get "in over your head". This is how I feel every time I get a good hit of DMT. It's nice to know there's other things out there that I can go farther with whenever I feel like mushrooms and DMT have become mundane! Laughing Laughing Laughing (Like that will happen)
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#5 Posted : 3/2/2014 5:45:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for sharing Global. That sounds intense as I have spent a lot of time in the upper echelon of hyperspace as well lol I would love to try 5MeO someday. It sounds badass
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#6 Posted : 3/2/2014 5:52:49 PM

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wow, excellent, thanks for sharing your experience with us global! Ever since reading Oroc's book I too have been very interested in 5-meo. Still haven't tried it just yet, but if its that intense I have no problem with taking my time lol

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#7 Posted : 3/3/2014 1:49:50 AM

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I miss that feel.
Smoke it in, chest gets tight like it is twisting, and it twists and twists and never stops.
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
#8 Posted : 3/3/2014 9:32:12 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Great report as always!

I think we really need to start focusing on this "surely interesting" molecule. You've got me intrigued. Gives me chills to hear that it was way beyond what DMT could do.

I've heard from endless reports that this molecule brings you face to face with the 'force' of it all. God, Source, Divine Ground of All Being, Brahman, etc. This seems to be the one way ticket.

Although there was my one experience with the bong and changa where it literally came on and was full force in 2 seconds, giving way to endless white/yellow light with an intesnity id never felt in all my journeys. No entities or any of that, just pure relentless force. I wonder if 5-MeO takes you to where NN-DMT attempts to take you?

Great stuff Global <3

Tat Tvam Asi Wink

#9 Posted : 3/3/2014 9:05:32 PM

At Peace

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I prefer bic lighters with my wood VG. Butane gets too hot, sometimes can burn the wood, has to be held further away, etc.

Great report. That sounds really intense. 5-MeO is on my list of things to try in this lifetime.

I'm always intrigued to figure out the best use for these tools. Whether it is for personal exploration and reflection, or for expression of a feeling (through art, music, writing), or for creative problem solving, or for connecting with the unity of existence while in nature--I want to understand and categorize. Do you feel that 5-MeO is synonymous as a tool as DMT? Or is this a different tool altogether?
#10 Posted : 3/3/2014 10:34:12 PM

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Excellent report. I enjoyed the read vastly. I'm intrigued by the differences of all the tryptamines.

Right now I'm more intrigued by your guitar recording you mentioned. Any way of us hearing it?
* Everything I write is made up tripe: whispers of wind coming off the blades in my face for I am a fictional man with a floor fan for a brain pan.

Say something to my face, I have no choice, but to replace my reply, with your Darth Vader voice!
#11 Posted : 3/4/2014 2:09:38 AM

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Warrior, i'd recommend getting at least a grill lighter then (one of those long ones) instead of a bic. It burns hotter than a bic and is much more effective IME with the VG or GVG

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#12 Posted : 3/4/2014 11:52:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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corpus callosum wrote:

Wow. This makes me shudder.

Thanks for sharing the experience, Global. And to think 5 Meo DMT was not so long ago a research chemical as easy to source as the rest. Maybe its a good thing its not so readily available................

That's right along the lines of what I was thinking. It honestly feels like jumping headfirst into the "DMT endgame". The tactile sensations are difficult to cope with at points.

Mr.Peabody wrote:

It's interesting that you can have so much experience with DMT, and still get "in over your head". This is how I feel every time I get a good hit of DMT. It's nice to know there's other things out there that I can go farther with whenever I feel like mushrooms and DMT have become mundane! Laughing Laughing Laughing (Like that will happen)

Yeah, this experience has allowed me to empathize better with some DMT users who routinely get over their heads with DMT. With N,N intensity has never really been the problem for me. Sure, the intensity can go through the ceiling, with the white light whiteouts being the peak of intensity which was always ever-so-slightly below overwhelming, but with 5-MeO it feels like running out of breath, or plugging straight into the wall of DMT energy right away. It builds incredibly fast, and there's no beating around the bush. You're straight in the heart of everything right away.

warrior wrote:
I'm always intrigued to figure out the best use for these tools. Whether it is for personal exploration and reflection, or for expression of a feeling (through art, music, writing), or for creative problem solving, or for connecting with the unity of existence while in nature--I want to understand and categorize. Do you feel that 5-MeO is synonymous as a tool as DMT? Or is this a different tool altogether?

I don't see why either couldn't be used for all of those purposes by the same person no less. I prefer not to look at them as "being this or that" but rather that they embody an incredible amount of facets simultaneously. How I feel about them being synonymous tools - that's a complex question to answer. They're certainly not synonymous, though they do appear to tap into the same energy source and visual patterning. The difference happens as to how these things play out. In terms of my first 5-MeO experience alone, I had personal exploration, expressed feelings through music, purged a certain amount of negativity, and connected to the source. It tests my ability to let go and ease into an uncomfortable situation, and so perhaps when I return to DMT, I will be that much more resilient towards some of its negative effects.

FloorFan wrote:

Right now I'm more intrigues by your guitar recording you mentioned. Any way of us hearing it?

I will be getting it up on a soundcloud soon, and I'll post it here. One has to keep in mind that I was still under heavy intoxication during the entire recording Laughing

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#13 Posted : 3/4/2014 6:08:14 PM

Off, Low, Medium, or High?

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Global wrote:
One has to keep in mind that I was still under heavy intoxication during the entire recording Laughing

Keep in mind? This is the generator for my intrigue Big grin
* Everything I write is made up tripe: whispers of wind coming off the blades in my face for I am a fictional man with a floor fan for a brain pan.

Say something to my face, I have no choice, but to replace my reply, with your Darth Vader voice!
Hyperspace Fool
#14 Posted : 3/6/2014 12:59:28 AM

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Nice one Global.

Reminds me of my own 5 MEO adventures. It certainly hits you like a freight train... and the visual, show, amusement park aspects of NN are surely either gone or take a very remote back seat to the "immersion."

That said, I can't really say it makes N,N seem like child's play... in fact, I can't even say it is a deeper experience. More childlike perhaps.

My N,N experiences still surpass my 5-MEO. Of course, for sub-breakthrough stuff 5 MEO is a LOT scarier. Almost as bad as Bufo. I am not a fan of body load, anxiety or nausea. But once fully out of body, that stuff tends to be immaterial (literally).

As much as I respect your euphoric cherry pop with 5 MEO, I can only say there is still more down that rabbit hole. I couldn't consider myself broken through while still able to turn on music or run to the toilet... let alone being able to record a tune. (jus saying)

That said, I don't recommend shooting for a 5 MEO super breakthrough. It is too close to an NDE IME. Courage just falters in the face of the idea that you are dead or in the process of dying.

Anyway. All the best bud. I will also be stoked to hear your guitar jam too.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#15 Posted : 3/6/2014 10:26:32 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome report...I've been interested in 5-MeO ever since reading Oroc's Tryptamine Palace, and this report only exacerbated my curiosity Cool Who wants to go milk some toads?
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#16 Posted : 3/6/2014 12:03:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
Nice one Global.

Reminds me of my own 5 MEO adventures. It certainly hits you like a freight train... and the visual, show, amusement park aspects of NN are surely either gone or take a very remote back seat to the "immersion."

That said, I can't really say it makes N,N seem like child's play... in fact, I can't even say it is a deeper experience. More childlike perhaps.

My N,N experiences still surpass my 5-MEO. Of course, for sub-breakthrough stuff 5 MEO is a LOT scarier. Almost as bad as Bufo. I am not a fan of body load, anxiety or nausea. But once fully out of body, that stuff tends to be immaterial (literally).

As much as I respect your euphoric cherry pop with 5 MEO, I can only say there is still more down that rabbit hole. I couldn't consider myself broken through while still able to turn on music or run to the toilet... let alone being able to record a tune. (jus saying)

That said, I don't recommend shooting for a 5 MEO super breakthrough. It is too close to an NDE IME. Courage just falters in the face of the idea that you are dead or in the process of dying.

Anyway. All the best bud. I will also be stoked to hear your guitar jam too.


I completely hear you on all of that HF. There's no doubt I didn't breakthrough. In the first couple seconds it looked like it was shaping up for a breakthrough, but it was clear I never got there. In terms of the "child's play" stuff, it seems like the very heavy body load exacerbates the intensity. I've had much deeper experiences on N,N, and if I think about it reasonably in retrospect, they probably were more intense, but N,N experiences tend to feel rather light while the 5-MeO sub-breakthrough was heavy as can be. It's really in your face. I probably picked up the guitar around 10 minutes in, but I was still going hard. In the first couple of minutes or so, that wouldn't have been doable. In the past on aya and smoked DMT, I've had to dart for the bathroom to puke, only to return to my seat to breakthrough, but I do hear your message loud and clear.

I tried sublingual 5-MeO a few nights ago. It was very tranquilizing and relaxing, but nothing remotely trippy. I decided to try and finish off the bit of 5-MeO gunk that I could see in the VG screen. That got something going, but I was still disappointed, so I loaded up an extra 5mg, took my hit [1 Mississippi; 2 Mississippi....] and here comes the freight train. The first time it had taken me off guard, but the second time I was ready for it. It once again sent me into nausea overload, but I only went through the motions of purging with nothing coming up, and then I started to become anesthetized really fast. My touch to the physical world was becoming numbed. Although I was distressed with bad news earlier in the day, I had become completely insulated from that emotional pain. It was like the "warm blanket" of 5-MeO was shielding me both physically and emotionally. I seem to readily get the carrier wave with 5-MeO that I don't tend to with DMT. The upward rushing cascade of incredibly rapid audible electronic thoughts seems to be a regular feature for me with this. I was extremely drained following this experience. I think the 5-MeO might have a slight burnout feature, but also the sublingual could have been sort of running in the background the whole time, latently sapping me as well.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#17 Posted : 3/7/2014 2:22:18 AM


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any similarities to salvia ?
is it stronger then salvia ?

does the dreamscape significantly change with this ?
also any increase in hppd ?
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#18 Posted : 3/7/2014 3:20:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nice report as always global. I have interest in 5-meo but not enough to indulge. How visual is it? Most of what I have read says its quite less visual than n'n.

I also am interested in hearing your recording.
Open your Mind () Please read my DMT vaping guide () Fear is the mind killer

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#19 Posted : 3/7/2014 1:42:01 PM

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Here's the jam. If it sounds a little self-indulgent, it's cause it was Wink I decided not to edit any of it, so what you hear is from the time I hit record to the time I stopped. There are several key moments in here where when I listen it takes me back to the experience. They evoke the same sensations for me as the experience in a kind of tactile HPPD way. The music was of course especially resonating with me in my heightened energetic state if nothing else.

Psychic Overload

Jin wrote:
any similarities to salvia ?
is it stronger then salvia ?

does the dreamscape significantly change with this ?
also any increase in hppd ?

I wouldn't say there are much similarities to Salvia. It's still a very tryptamine based experience. It has more similarities with DMT still. It operates through that same energetic system, and for what visuals there are, so far they have seemed to range from very DMT to very ayahuasca-like.

To say whether it's stronger than Salvia is really an impossible question to answer. It's certainly not more potent than Salvia by weight - not Salvinorin A anyway. Salvinorin A is active in the microgram range while 5-MeO is not. Of course it's always going to depend on ROA, how big of a dose you've taken, individual peculiarities, and unique circumstances. Thus far, what I can say personally is that Salvia is way more confusing. I retain a fair amount of lucidity so far as I do with DMT.

My dreamscape always has been alive and well, from before drugs to present, but DMT really changed the ballgame. I haven't noticed anything too bizarre from the 5-MeO, but I have been having vivid dreams these past nights. Just can't say it has anything to do with the 5-MeO cause they're not out of the ordinary. Any increase in HPPD has been sensation-based and not so much visual. Sometimes I feel the broadening of space, or just certain vague feelings. They're not unwelcome.

anrchy wrote:
Nice report as always global. I have interest in 5-meo but not enough to indulge. How visual is it? Most of what I have read says its quite less visual than n'n.

It is somewhat visual, but that's not what you're there for it should seem. So far, I'd say it's probably more visual than LSD. The geometries which are similar to N,N in the sense that they use the same "geometrical system" haven't really formed any-thing like N,N does. I've just gotten these big swaths of patterns. I would like to combine them at some point.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#20 Posted : 3/7/2014 3:18:51 PM


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thanksVery happy ,

the music track sounds like freedom
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