I'm not particularly fond of sharing experience reports. They're personal, and generally something that others can't really understand.
This was an interesting experience, so I'll go against my preference and tell the story.
I have yet to be confronted with any entity that takes a physical form that can be represented in this world. I actually thought that I may not have been confronted with any entities during my journeys, until last night.
After last night, I've decided to refer to this energy as "the Guardian." I've seen it before, but it never took any action, or interaction, with my journeys. Previously, it had been presenting itself as pieces of the puzzle. I had assumed it was part of the spiritual encoding that defined structure in the physical world. I felt as though we may not see it in this world, but my world may be a manifestation of the energy itself. It had always played a passive role in my journey- I'd appear before it, appreciate it for a few minutes, and then move on to the next part of the lesson. As the progression of my experience with the molecule furthers, so have my ability to gain knowledge and interact with my journeys. No longer am I only a passenger, but I can pretend to be the copilot as well. I even get to pretend to steer the ship from time to time.
Last night was different. In my journey, I was confronted with a different energy. IMMEDIATELY, the Guardian sprung from the clockwork. The energies merged, fused, separated, back together, apart apart, back together..... They were rolling around, quarreling. They reminded me of two alley cats entwined in a struggle for territory. Clawing, biting, kicking, screaming.... Sounds, like I've never heard before, came from the scuffle- echoing in my mind. Then white. Purity. Maybe empty. They were both gone, and I was left there floating in white.
From my peripherals, something seemed to be coming into view. It was the Guardian. The emotion that was projected from the Guardian was that of a dog, who had disobeyed his master, jumped the fence, chased away some other dog, got in a terrible fight, and is now limping home. A sense of pride because it was victorious at warding off the other energy, but also shame and exhaustion; though victorious, it suffered some injury in the process.
I did not feel like the disapproving master. I don't really know how I felt. Confusion. Pride. Thankfulness. Curiosity. Also, question: why? Why is it nature to chase away things we don't understand? I'm sure the guardian had a good reason for what it did, but collectively, could we not set aside our differences? Is this other energy so unreasonable that it would not be willing to compromise? Are we willing to compromise? So that we can share our attributes? Or is it strictly divided for a reason?
There is a lot more to it than I am able to understand. I need to go meditate.
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.