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Did I do anything wrong? (mushroom trip not getting out of first gear) Options
#1 Posted : 1/23/2014 10:45:56 PM
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Hi All,

I was hoping that somebody would be able to point out whether I did something wrong or missed something crucial in my attempted mushroom trip this morning.

I had only taken mushrooms once before - over ten years ago - and was quite delighted when a friend recently gave me 3g of dried cubensis. I stored the mushrooms in an airtight container for several weeks until today.

On an empty stomach this morning I finely chopped a gram's worth and let soak in fresh lime juice for 10-15 minutes before knocking back the shot. I then practiced some chi-gung for 15 minutes before lying down on my bed with my eye mask. I saw a few patterns in my mind's eye and felt it would just be a matter of time before I went deep. It then appears that I fell asleep, and I woke around t - 1.5 hours.

I was almost sober at this point so I just chomped down the other 2g. What followed was just a mixture of anxiety and stomach discomfort. I gave a lot of thought to a relationship that I am on the verge of ending, which has definitely been bothering me a lot of late. However, there were no real visuals or patterns.

I was expecting quite a bit more than this, and was left somewhat disappointed.

Are there any other variables that I have missed, or is it just a case of a weak batch of mushrooms?

- Emu

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#2 Posted : 1/24/2014 3:23:54 AM
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Sounds like some weak/old mushrooms or you got stuck in the inbetween zone from dosing too small the first time.

I find mushrooms dont redose well especially after your body starts eliminating the psilocybin (the pees).
#3 Posted : 1/24/2014 9:46:27 PM

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I agree. Possibly a weak batch, but I have also noticed that if I spread the dosage, the body seems better at resisting.
#4 Posted : 1/24/2014 10:31:01 PM
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Not a weak batch, well probably not incredibly strong but 3g of any mushroom should send you flying pretty far out.

The psilocin conversion from lemon tek should result in more unstable tea than without it, so when you took the second dose was it from the same tea you used lime juice in?

I don't take mushrooms without a breakfast because i puked once from taking it in the mornings. An empty stomach is adviced but when sleeping you have 8 hours of empty.. it might be too empty. Ur body might have to use more energy to send enzymes so hence it might cause some stomach discomfort.

Ur brain is also in a different chemical state in the morning. I do not know how that would affect the experience. I am scared to vape DMT in the morning because I think it is stronger. With mushrooms that might be different though, I don't know.

The anxiety is pretty normal, given what you are thinking about that does not seem out of place either. It seems ur general mind/brain-state was in social, sounds like pretty negative stuff too, that, i think might also tell us why there is little to no visual while the mushrooms definitely produced some thought enhancement, so had an impact on ur brain.
#5 Posted : 1/24/2014 10:40:39 PM

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How long did your friend store them for before he gave them to you and how? Mushrooms can lose potency over some period of time.
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#6 Posted : 1/25/2014 6:24:14 AM

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3g is the kind of dose that could do a lot or not very much, depending on a lot of things. SkyKitty's comment about re-dosing might have merit. But starting with 1g... That pretty much guarantees, in most cases, a mild trip, possibly even so mild you barely feel it.

If you were to try again, try all 3g at once. Possibly try in the afternoon or early evening after a 3-4 hour abstinence from food. I've never tried the lemon thing so I can't comment on it, but one pretty effective way to make them easier on the tummy is to make tea. Break up the shrooms small, sprinkle into about 1.5 cups of water in a shallow fry pan, heat gently for 15 min or so until the water turns brown. Strain out the sludge, bottoms up. 3g should be enough for a significant but sub-breakthrough trip. 5g or more is when you really can leave yourself behind.

Consider waiting till you resolve the relationship thing... Stuff like that can really get in the way of having a deep experience.
Parshvik Chintan
#7 Posted : 1/25/2014 7:00:42 AM

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i am of the opinion that you get what you need, not necessarily what you want.

you don't always have to go deep to reap the benefits (granted it is a bit fun, so we tend to aim for it, but whatever happens happens, just go with the flow, imo Cool )
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#8 Posted : 1/25/2014 7:45:43 AM

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What everyone said: You can't really redose with mushrooms. The first dose sets the bar in my experience. Additional material can provide a small boost, if taken within the first hour. Small = 15-30%
#9 Posted : 1/25/2014 2:31:06 PM
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A big thank-you to all for taking the time to reply Smile

Unfortunately, I am now unable to find out how long the dried mushrooms were stored for as they were from my sister's ex-partner.

The second dose was just chomped down raw - no tea or liquids. I had never even considered that the second dose may not have an impact due to how the first load is metabolised in the body.

The thing is, I definitely felt something coming on while I was performing chi-gung after the 1g in the lime juice (I started small as I had read that lemon/lime juice can greatly enhance the potency?). There was a heightened awareness of my body/energy flow. When I lied on my bed after, patterns were emerging behind my Mindfold eye-mask (love that device btw!). I then drifted into sleep and unfortunately woke feeling that any kind of intensity had passed.

I appreciate the advice that expressed caution in engaging on a journey when one has everyday stuff to resolve. I guess my difficulty is that there is so much conflict and everyday troubles/struggles in my life that it is hard to pick a time when things aren't troubling me.

I recently had an Iboga experience which left me aware of just how much interpersonal difficulties there are in my life. I am slowly in the process of trying to 'weed out' people/situations that hold me back. I am sure it'll take a long time.

I have personally never experienced anything like Iboga, but it is a journey that one needs to set aside a good few days to embark on. It is also not something that is safe to repeat too regularly.

My interest in mushrooms has grown through the amount of time spent here on the Nexus, and I feel that they can also help me further on my path of healing. I may attempt to start growing them myself soon.

Side question: I have recently been offered 2g of 'Cambodian' mushrooms. Would that be a suffocient dose?

Again, thanks for the replies.

- Emu
#10 Posted : 1/25/2014 2:41:32 PM

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It depends on what you mean by sufficient. If the mushrooms are of comparable potency, you can probably expect a medium experience with 2gs. I seem to hover around 2.6gs with lemon tek, but my material is usually pretty weak so it seems. It is always best to grow a larger batch of mushrooms and then gauge the potency by starting small. Once, 0.7g lemon tekked had me see three dimensional patterns on the floor, paintings would pop out etc.....potency can vary, but it still seems that 2g would be a reasonable next step. Just make sure to start out in a safe environment.
#11 Posted : 1/25/2014 3:41:58 PM
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obliguhl wrote:
It depends on what you mean by sufficient. If the mushrooms are of comparable potency, you can probably expect a medium experience with 2gs. I seem to hover around 2.6gs with lemon tek, but my material is usually pretty weak so it seems. It is always best to grow a larger batch of mushrooms and then gauge the potency by starting small. Once, 0.7g lemon tekked had me see three dimensional patterns on the floor, paintings would pop out etc.....potency can vary, but it still seems that 2g would be a reasonable next step. Just make sure to start out in a safe environment.

Hi Obliguhl,

I guess by 'sufficient' I mean I hope to embark on a journey that will take me someplace else, although still keeping a foot here in this reality. I am not looking for complete 'ego death'. Not yet anyway Smile

I have made up my mind: time to start growing my own.
#12 Posted : 1/25/2014 5:34:40 PM

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I can redose with mushrooms and be blasted way out there. I can take mushrooms 2 days in a row with no real noticable tolerance. I think some people must respond differently to psilocybin. Some people claim to experience tolerance for like a week even with DMT. I dont experience tolerance with either of them when I redose.
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#13 Posted : 1/25/2014 5:57:15 PM

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Most mushrooms that ive havent picked or grown myself has had less potency than my own.

I dont know why but i guess most people store them improperly or something.

I always freeze my shrooms as soon as they are dry and they always keep their potency for a very long time.
#14 Posted : 1/25/2014 9:16:52 PM

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I have made up my mind: time to start growing my own.

Hurray Thumbs up
So much fun to grow, even though you need a lot of patience and be very anal about "sterile" working conditions (They don't have to be sterile, but the cleaner the higher the chance of getting mushrooms).

Also a lot easier to calibrate your dose. It is true that technically every single mushroom from a multispore innoculation can have different potency, but that's not something i've noticed. That been said, i never had an experience you are seeking from just 2g of my mushrooms...it would have been possible with this very potent batch i got once. Forgot about my jars and the fruited in vitro. I think they were cambodian even...lille small fellas yet very powerful. I think some people speculate that psylocibin production decreases as the fruit gets bigger....

#15 Posted : 1/26/2014 12:29:42 AM
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I have to say I am concerned that I may find this incredibly difficult (I have never actually grown anything!) I also struggle with general cooking which may be related.

I seem to have some kind of 'mental block' when it comes to this kind of thing; I have a box of caapi, chacruna and chaliponga in my cupboard and I am yet to attempt a brew.

Time to get my hands dirty, me thinks..
#16 Posted : 1/26/2014 1:30:53 AM
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Parshvik Chintan wrote:
i am of the opinion that you get what you need, not necessarily what you want.

you don't always have to go deep to reap the benefits (granted it is a bit fun, so we tend to aim for it, but whatever happens happens, just go with the flow, imo Cool )

Good point.

I would definitely try a 2g dose the next time.

The other thing you described that seems odd to me is that you were able to fall alseep. In my experience, this is not possible on mushrooms. Once i am in the mushroom trance, i cant fall asleep for 5-6 hours after the dose. I often get the sensation that i need to lie down to surrender to the experience but never sleep. Is it at all possible that you had a placebo experience? Once, when i was young and stupid, someone gave me dried mushrooms from a chinese grocery that were definitely not active but i was too inexperienced to know the difference.
#17 Posted : 1/26/2014 8:07:34 AM

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I have to say I am concerned that I may find this incredibly difficult (I have never actually grown anything!) I also struggle with general cooking which may be related.

Both, growing mushrooms and extracting DMT seems incredibly difficult at first, because there is a wealth of unorganized information out there. This is especially true when it comes to growing mushrooms. Everyone preaches different variations of the same methods so it gets confusing very quickly. You have to understand that a lot of that mushroom growing talk going on at the shroomery et al. is all about increasing yield, potency and sterile technique. For a beginner, the "PF-tek" is probably enough and with the highest chance of success. My first try was a success and my chakruna died, my cacti are dying or not growing properly etc etc.... just be careful, flame throw the innoculation needle, work in a clean environment and chances are, it will work. Even if you work very very sloppy or start out with a dirty sporeprint chances are that at least half of your jars will flush at least once.

In my experience, each jar provides 2-4g dried, depending on the amount of flushes...so a successful grow of 8 jars should yield you enough to experiment with.

Brewing that ayahuasca could be a worthwhile endeavour though, especially while you are waiting for the little guys to pop up. If you got any questions about growing mushrooms, are unsure about certain specific step just ask me ,,, i'm not a pro grower but do have some knowledge especially when it comes to basic technique.
#18 Posted : 1/26/2014 4:58:33 PM
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SkyKitty wrote:
Parshvik Chintan wrote:
i am of the opinion that you get what you need, not necessarily what you want.

you don't always have to go deep to reap the benefits (granted it is a bit fun, so we tend to aim for it, but whatever happens happens, just go with the flow, imo Cool )

Good point.

I would definitely try a 2g dose the next time.

The other thing you described that seems odd to me is that you were able to fall alseep. In my experience, this is not possible on mushrooms. Once i am in the mushroom trance, i cant fall asleep for 5-6 hours after the dose. I often get the sensation that i need to lie down to surrender to the experience but never sleep. Is it at all possible that you had a placebo experience? Once, when i was young and stupid, someone gave me dried mushrooms from a chinese grocery that were definitely not active but i was too inexperienced to know the difference.

To be honest, I have no doubt that the mushrooms were genuine, as my sister and her now ex-partner had tripped several times on his homegrown supply. My guess is that I perhaps went in too cautiously with my low dose.

Thinking back, I feel I took something from the experience (albeit not what I had originally hoped for). I have just had a very uncomfortable conversation that I was avoiding for a long time, and am about to say goodbye to somebody who has been part of my life for the last six years. Maybe the mushrooms played a part in this?

I will certainly try the 2g next time round.
#19 Posted : 1/26/2014 5:01:20 PM
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obliguhl wrote:
I have to say I am concerned that I may find this incredibly difficult (I have never actually grown anything!) I also struggle with general cooking which may be related.

Both, growing mushrooms and extracting DMT seems incredibly difficult at first, because there is a wealth of unorganized information out there. This is especially true when it comes to growing mushrooms. Everyone preaches different variations of the same methods so it gets confusing very quickly. You have to understand that a lot of that mushroom growing talk going on at the shroomery et al. is all about increasing yield, potency and sterile technique. For a beginner, the "PF-tek" is probably enough and with the highest chance of success. My first try was a success and my chakruna died, my cacti are dying or not growing properly etc etc.... just be careful, flame throw the innoculation needle, work in a clean environment and chances are, it will work. Even if you work very very sloppy or start out with a dirty sporeprint chances are that at least half of your jars will flush at least once.

In my experience, each jar provides 2-4g dried, depending on the amount of flushes...so a successful grow of 8 jars should yield you enough to experiment with.

Brewing that ayahuasca could be a worthwhile endeavour though, especially while you are waiting for the little guys to pop up. If you got any questions about growing mushrooms, are unsure about certain specific step just ask me ,,, i'm not a pro grower but do have some knowledge especially when it comes to basic technique.

Thank you for your offer of help. I shall certainly drop you a pm when I am on my way. I saw the "PF-tek" yesterday so will start there.

Thanks again Smile
#20 Posted : 3/3/2014 5:25:04 PM

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hey all

I can confirm lemon / lime / citrus fruit juice soak really does increase the potency or allows your body to feel the full effects at least.

for me 2.5g in lemon juice is like 3.5g - 4g without the juice, and I have done this tek say 100 times at least.... it really does work!

If they are cracker dry, crush them into powder, otherwise just chop them as fine as you can, or even use a blender with the juice... Let them sit for at lest 30 mins, ideally an hour or two, then consume, seriously if you did that, and they had little effect then they must be old shrooms or have lost their potency in one way or another.

Beware when growing shrooms to keep them out of direct sunlight, Paul Stamets states that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight when growing can produce shrooms that have almost no active ingredients, so this could of been an issue.

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