Welcome to the Nexus. Sounds to me like you are in the right place. Read, Read, Read. You will find more information than you'll know what to do with. Luckily, The Nexus is a real community. It's so much more than just a forum. You'll probably find just as much inspiration as you will information. Don't feel bad about your limited experience with psychedelics. A lot of people over do it when they are young and don't get as much out of their psychedelic exploration as they would if they were to take things slowly and respectfully. Take your time. Learn, and listen to your body and mind. If you use discretion and take time in between experiences to integrate, you'll find yourself much richer than if you were to dive in recklessly.
You and I are sort of in the same boat as far as limited access to people who are interested in psychedelic exploration. I know a few people who take psychedelics and out of those, there are only a couple that I would consider tripping with. I'm in my mid 40's now and I'm extremely cautious about set and setting. My wife is planning on taking her first dmt trip in a couple days. She has good reasons and intentions. Your wife may eventually join you, or she may not. One thing I've found (and this might sound silly) is that the substances and the people will find you when it's time.
Are you planning on trying dmt? If so, definitely check out the wiki. Find an extraction tek that appeals to you and if you choose to, do an extraction. Obtain all of the right gear for whichever route of administration you choose and take your time. Hyperspace is waiting patiently for you.
Welcome Home Mister_Niles. We've Been Waiting For You.
"Don't worry. When it happens, you won't be able to not let it do its thing. You won't have the ability to distinguish a pen from a hippopotamus"
- Art Van D'lay