Details:Slightly modified Noman's tek.
50g MHRB
51g Lye
750ml distilled water
~30 ml VM&P Naphtha per pull
warm bath in sink for sludge and naphtha
3 pulls into one baking dish
Freeze precipitated
naphtha poured out through coffee filter
tray of crystals left to evap for a week! (no fan used)
I know quite a bit of actives went to waste as I was getting a mix of frustration with the turkey baster and paranoia. I only did 3 quick pulls. Each pull a thin layer (maybe 2 or 3 mm) of naphtha was left. Being my first time I was just all sorts of nervous. Even so, I wasn't expecting as much as i got. I KNOW I can get better yields next as I'll be calmer and more at ease not being the trial run. My confidence is a bit higher.
The result:321mg (in pic, paper was pre-weighed to be 768mg)
~60% clean looking crystals and 40% reddish brown goo intermixed with crystals.
I found this scraping step to be rather... therapeutic. Amazed to see how the super thin clear looking layer that I thought was just proto-crystals scraped up into a reddish-brown crystal and goo mix.
I looked forward to the next time as I plan to incorporate the salting step from Cyb's teks. Going to take my time and do more pulls. I also want to use a fan this time with the try on it's side for the evap.
I have a few questions if I may:
This red-brown stuff is ok right? It looks like stuff I've seen on this forum, so I should be good. I know I'm sort of answering my own questions, but again, it's my first time and a little reassurance goes a long way as I'm sure you all can attest.
Should I recrystallize? I'm not too concerned if this is deemed to be good stuff.
Thanks for checking my results out
* Everything I write is made up tripe: whispers of wind coming off the blades in my face for I am a fictional man with a floor fan for a brain pan.
Say something to my face, I have no choice, but to replace my reply, with your Darth Vader voice!