Hello there,
I am a rather shy person who does not typically join forums,
but this forum seems a bit special to me and not so typical.
It's safe to say I actually feel comfortable enough to seek wisdom here..
Supposing one had about 3.8 grams of spice (white fluffy crystal format),
and was having trouble eliciting more after the third pull, how would one best
utilize what one had on hand?
Changa is an obvious consideration, of course..but that is likely to use up the bulk of the
spice due to the rather small yield.
The journey has been rather arduous and the experience sought after for so long that it is
extremely important to give a lot of thought to the use of the "key."
I'd have a hard time forgiving myself if I rushed without meditating on it and seeking the counsel of some experienced travelers.
Any thoughts would be appreciated...
Thank you, and have a beautiful weekend