Hello fellow psychonauts !
I'm quite excited to join this forum as an active member as i've been following on the posts here for some time now. And my curious mind has A LOT of questionning to do.
(Excuse my english if i make a few errors, i'm half english, half french, and french is easier for me than english)
But first of all, let me introduce myself: funkyleggs.
I'm fairly new to the psychedelic world since my only experiences with entheogenes is with salvia divinorum. I was a regular weed smoker too for five years but decided to quit my regular use since it started to affect me in a negative way.
So my first salvia trip was last year, and surprisingly my strongest/weirdest trip was smoking plain leaves off a salvia joint. It was the strangest experience i've had, i was listening to binaural beats at the same time and it was like i had shifted all my being to a new plane of existence, but i was still within the physical 3D world. I thought i was "stuck" in that state and i would stay in there all my life. But it faded soon enough.
Since then, i have been a bit retecent to try it again (which i did) but always with little doses.
On another subject, i have been totally fascinated with out-of-body experiences, non-physical reality, and other worldly experiences since i read robert Monroes books about two years ago. I have had an astral projection myself last year inwhich i was visited by a huge all white silhouette/being who scared the crap out of me (although he seemed pretty neutral, not negative, in his approach). One of my greatest wishes is to meet again with this entity and ask him all sorts of questions about himself. I also have some lucid dreams from time to time.
Naturally, my curious mind and fascination for other worlds led my to psychedelics which i plan to use with respect of cause, for the purpose of experimentation in a scientific manner as well as intimate for my spiritual growth, and others, as i love to share my experiences and the knowledge i accumulated.
I plan to experiment regularly with salvia in the weeks to come. I also plan to extract DMT and make a batch of changa in a near future.
But here's my question for you experimented psychonauts: (and essentially for those who have regurlar OBE's or lucid dreams)
In order to experiment more profoundly in the area of what you call the salvia space or the dmt space (meaning the salvia and the dmt realities) would you consider (or have you considered), while an OBE or a Lucid dream, placing your intent in visiting the entheogene realities on a non-drug consumed state?
This, in my opinion, would be extremely interesting to do.
Since every "reality" is supposed to be interconnected with one another, it would, in theory, be possible to visit salvia space while projecting by intending to get where you were while taking actual salvia.
Note the question is the same for every entheogene out there.
I leave you with this question which i hope some have already pondered and experimented
Thank you for the forum and opportunity to learn.
Tayata OM Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze Radza Samudgate Soha