My background is mostly in using plants medicinally. I've been struggling with Lyme disease from tick bites for years, and many plants have saved my life, and stopped me from being a hugely infected, total physical cripple with dementia. I also had massive electro-sensitivity, and couldn't live in the electrosmog at all.
I've been eating small amounts of fly agaric every day for over two years now. It's actually the muscarine that I (mostly) get benefit from, even though it's only there in trace amounts. I also extract galantamine from snowdrops, which helps keep acetylcholine levels up as well. Low dose psilocybin has also really helped restore my ragged neurologicals. It feels like soul retrieval it's so powerful.
I regard these plants as family, best friends and teachers.
I'm also into earth energies and dowsing, again mostly for health, with a particular interest in mitochondria, negative ions and underground springs.
I originally signed up here to reply to a post about galantamine, regarding lucid dreaming I think. However, I've hovered around DMT for ages without actually trying it, and will jump in before too much longer I'm sure.
If anyone else has Lyme or has used these plants in a similar way, I'd be really interested to hear from you.