Where to begin? I started my adventures, as many do, with LSD. At the time i was a party kid - all my friends were drinkers and tokers, so when the opporunity presented itself i jumped at the opportunity. My first tab was very weak, and i don't think i really got anything out of it (looking back i think it was bunk.) So, i still had 8 tabs remaining - i decided to take them all. Needless to say, the experience destroyed my ego.
During the experience and the days following, I came to a number of epiphanies, and shook off a lifetime of depression. I no longer needed validation from others to feel good about myself. I no longer felt obligated to become blackout drunk with my 'friends'. Instead, I started pursuing my passion for music. But just as interesting as music were psychedelics. The power they have to change the way i think absolutely fascinated me.
Over the next few years, i dove deep into researching psychedelic compounds, both academically and personally. I fell in love with the playful charms of LSD. I felt the earthy connection of psilocybin mushrooms, and on rare occasions i flew with mescaline. Eventually however, my supplier disappeared. It wasn't long until i discovered RC's.
I had countless experiences with novel psychedelics, often being one of the first to jump on an opportunity to try something new to the market - It wasn't out of a desire to be first, or even a desire to experience the effects. Rather, it was so i could provide a detailed account to the people that followed. I guess i put myself at risk so others would know the risks of novel compounds.
Eventually i found what became a favorite of mine, 4-aco-dmt. It was already well-researched at this point, but i was beocoming more concerned at the health risks of assaying new compounds. I wanted to get back to the roots of what drew me to psychedelics, the soul-cleansing effect they had. I had gone through some rough times, and it was something i needed. One day, lying in my room with my partner, i had what can best be described as a spiritual awakening (or a true ++++ for you shulganites!). All boundaries between me and the universe faded. No, it was more than that. It was realizing they never existed in the first place. I had foud what i was looking for, and there was no more to learn from these teachers.
Since that experience, i've cut down significantly on my use of psychedelics. They've become a vacation, something to do once in a blue moon, to remind me of the lessons learned from my ++++ experience. Nowadays, I mostly sit for my friends - They trust my experience, and sitting someone in itself is a rewarding experience. I guess i came here to share my experience, to guide newcomers, and do whatever harm reduction I can.
Or to sum it all up... Hi! nice to meet you all, i hope i can contribute to this little corner of the internet