Hi all members,
With the cleaning of the forum in full pace, some people suggested it would be a good idea to clean up the threads and posts too. Over the years, several posts have slipped through the attention of the mods or have become obsolete due to new facts. It is these threads and post that need to be removed or merged or edited.
I will explain piece by piece which categories it is we have to look at.
POSTS THAT TALK ABOUT SUPPLIERS (NOT LIVE PLANTS OR VIABLE SEEDS)In the past, talk about suppliers was allowed and as such it can be that some of them are still around. It is better for safety if we have them all removed or edited.
THREADS THAT NEEDS TO BE MERGEDOver time, often the same topic comes along in a new thread. To prevent this clutter it is best to merge these threads to have a better compilation of the information.
'FOR FAQ'S SAKE' THREADSThese are the threads that ask the most basic kind of information without the poster having done their homework. This is just work of laziness and needs to be moved to the FOR FAQ'S SAKE thread.
POSTS THAT CONTAIN BAD LANGUAGE OR ARE INSULTINGPosts that use cursing, slang or are purely insulting. These posts need to be either removed or edited.
POSTS THAT HAVE MISINFORMATION IN IT.Sometimes it happens that posts are made which contain information that is simply not true or they bring ideas and theories as fact.
Examples of this are posts that state as fact that DMT is released by birth/death, we do not know if this is true, hence that post needs to be either removed or edited.
Other examples will be posts that contain mistakes like that vinegar will freebase DMT.
You can help us by posting a link to the post or thread that falls into one of the stated categories. Also place with that link why you think that post or thread falls into that category.
This way we can rapidly clean up the forum and improve the overall quality of the other threads and post.
Thank you all in advance!
Kind regards,
The Traveler