So this morning I took my freeze precip'd xtals out of the freezer drained off the naptha and set it up to evap the rest and went to bed. when I woke up I had a glass of water checked on my dmt which was now solvent free and smelling delicious. I went out for a cig came back in scraped the tray into a nice big pile and loaded a big pile into my pipe.
I took one MASSIVE hit and held it in for 30 seconds and was already losing touch with reality when I started to hit the pipe again, about ten seconds into inhaling my lungs were hurting so I stopped, inhaled a bunch of air, and held my breath for 10 seconds.
When I blew out my breath I blew out a Rainbow of vibrating patterns.
I felt the vibrations and typical "DMT sound" overwhelming me so I closed my eyes and laid back on my couch. I melted into the couch, no, I BECAME the couch and the walls and the air, I was everything and everything was I.
I was short of breath and struggling to breath so I became scared. For an eternity I struggled to breath and was convinced I had died.
I felt like I was being hit against walls of some sort, not hitting them too hard but not quite gently either, like I was walking into walls or something. so I open my eyes and behold I was wandering around my apartment bumping into the walls and knocking over lamps and tables by the look of the place.
Everything began to take on a very "boxy" look, like I was in a real life version of Minecraft or something.
I begin to feel sort of trapped and feel the urge to get my sweater off of myself so I begin pulling at it thinking "where's my skin? this isn't my skin" I manage to unzip my sweater and tear it off myself.
Still feeling trapped I need to get outside, this trip is lasting forever. I struggle to walk across the slanting floor to my door which felt like someone was tilting it beneath my feet.
Finally I manage the voyage and struggle with the locked door. realize it is cold outside, am only able to utter the word "need" whilst finding a hoodie to put on.
I go back to the door, somewhat easier this time around, and manage to open it without a fight.
WOW, the trees were dancing and twisting and turning, the clouds were racing by each filled with a bazillion colors and flipping around and vibrating like crazy. The air in my view vibrated as the cars drove by and vibrated with any other sound.
Birds chirping were making a mechanical chirping noise kind of like a car alarm. the wind made electronic sounds.
I've been outside now for at least 10 minutes and I start to worry that I've damaged my brain and developed HPPD. ?Will it ever end" I ask myself? Although I wouldn't mind tripping that hard for the rest of my life, it was quite enjoyable.
I crave a cigarette so I reach into my pocket and cant find them, I go back into the house on shaky legs still tripping soo hard and finally maybe 5 minutes later remember that they along with my cell phone were in the sweater that "wasn't my skin" so I find it extract the smokes and cell and go outside to enjoy the view.
I finally stop having open eye Visuals about 20 minutes later. the body high lasted an hour after that.
To date the most intense trip I have had. I was astounded that it lasted past the 5 minute mark, amazed at the 10 minute mark, and scared as fuck at the 20 minute mark when I thought it would never end. I smoked the DMT at 3:30 exactly. the OEV's stopped between 4:12-4:20 mark.
I am scared to smoke that much again, but I loved it once I got outside... perhaps i'll smoke outside more often.
Uploaded a pic of myself at the 10-15 minute mark...
"Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
~Albus Dumbledore