Copied from another thread
Sure, I was motivated to post my intro because I did not want to distract this thread.
As far as different herbs, I need a little time to remember and articulate completely. I had started working at a Native American hospital. This hospital had open arms to tribal medicine men. The entire medical staff would welcome these Medicine People to work along side the doctors and hospital staff. It was a completely new experience for me. I was learning from the locals about different plants and would try them under their guidance. I will make some phone calls and get the names of the plants.
One important thing that I contribute to the extended "trip" was shortly after I arrived on the rez is that I was devastated by the death of someone very very close to me. The emotional experience is indescribable. This I could not cope with. The whole town new I was not coping. After about two weeks of walking around like a zombie or crying uncontrollably they acted on it. About 5 am at the end of a night shift two men grabbed me, very gently guided me off campus to a sweat lodge. It was there they introduced me to a magical drink of peyote and other herbs. What followed cured me of the despair I was feeling but the sadness has never left or diminished.
The brainwaves:
Beta-12-30 Hz= random uncontrollable thoughts. Pleasures of the flesh
Alpha 7.5-12 Hz= awareness of emotions and feeling of other life. Necessary for cognitive healing
Theta 4-7.5 Hz= the Spirit World. Necessary for emotional healing
Delta <4 Hz= Realm of the Shaman. Necessary for physical healing
Having a relationship with Ayahuasca and her relatives increases ones capacity for empathy because the Earth needs us to grow this way in order for the Earth to heal. This is inconvenient to Western society. And, people prey on this. When the Third Eye opens and when it closes one will remember it's opening and this has a permanent impact on the intuitive abilities. No matter the brainwaves vibration. What is important is that if one is intuitive and does not meditate/pray things start to go FUBAR. AND, I constantly struggle to take my own advise.
spractral wrote:
I am sort of fimding myself right now and I feel like this is a temporary stage for me. I am realizing how "wrong" i have lived my life thus far and starting to cope with and actually say, yes i did these things wrong, but i can choose not to do them again and realize they are not me. The past is the past. Life is a long strange journey and i feel like so much has changed for me over the past year.
I have done things wrong and my good intentions have hurt people. Like you said, I am not my traumas or my dramas. Atonement is promised to those who can acknowledge their transgressions and have them witnessed by another being. That being could be a friend, a dog, a cat or even a tree.
Our greatest wound is our greatest gift.