hello I'm door#6, my friends call me door. feel free to do the same. I am pretty laid back, dont take things too seriously. I've been using the knowledge here for a while, figure it might be time to share with the rest of the class. a few years ago I had my first experience with mushrooms, but that was recreational, the kind of use that would be considered a waste if it were not for the nature of the chemicals. over the years there have been some very positive changes in my life that are a direct result of my use of mushrooms. I come at them with a lot more respect now, though I am not sure if id call them a sacriment, if you do thats fine by me.
In 2009 I tried aya for the first time and have been turned on ever since. lately I've been checking out acacia confucia but have yet to trip that way; this weekend will be my first attempt at acacia/rue. wish me luck, any advise is appreciated.
anyhow, everyone seems pretty nice here. better experiences happen on forums where maturity is expected from members and thats a big reason I'd like to join you all here. getting involved in this community at large... the psychedelic community, is an important step for all of us. hang together or hang separately as they say. educating the world generally and the west in particular that this isnt about getting high but personal development is necessary if we are ever going to be free. let me get off my box.
I'd really like to join and be a part of what is going on here. hello and hope you all have a great ride!
take some time to relax