My Introduction Essay.....
G'day, I'm Dan, I am an Australian living Thailand for the last 7 years. I have recently moved from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Having tried most recreational pursuits over the last 20 years I would like to experiences DMT. My life changed when I first experimented with LSD, and clouds never looked the same again. I was reminded that as a child I believed there was more to the world than what we see. A magical realm to discover with every new morning, if only I continued to look. My teenage years helped to blur this once magical view, and I was developing towards being a complete cynic by my early twenties, and then I discovered acid {HA like I was the first Flying Dutchman}. At the time, I remember feeling like I had finally opened the door to the home I had perceived as a child, in which I belong. Like finally I had arrived and, this, was only the first step.
This journey has continued, and now I would like to continue along the path that has led to me discovering this web page and forum. I find myself
once again standing on a the threshold....