During my first breakthrough, the most vivid memory and the first memory to be remembered was being welcomed to a place that was very strange and weird, yet I got the feeling that it was normal and sopost to be like that. I have come to the conclusion that I was experiencing a higher dementional location from the experiences of a 3rd dementional entity. ANYWYAS, I was greeted by a man. He wore the most amazing long sleeved shirt that was constantly swirling and morphing, but more interestingly was this square on his chest, with several bumps and ridges, almost like it was studded with gems but instead of the gems being put it, it looked like the gems formed out, and they were also constantlyg in movement. The boarder of this square was golden and had patterns that were rotating like a barbers sign.
I have spent months researching what I saw, and suddenly I stumbled upon a picture that caused goosebumps, it was of Aaron in the bible, wearing his high priest robes and an epoch on his chest, which lookes completly different, and yet I can tell that the picture is a 3d representation of a 4-5 dementional object. Carl sagon described it very well, how on a 2d landscape, it is impossible to create a 3d object but we can however project a 3d shadow onto a 2d landscape. (Drawing a square) we have known for a while that we cannot create a 4d object here in 3d, but we can, however, create a shadow of what a 4d image looks like. I got the feeling that is exactly what was created in bible times. The description of the high priest epoch was very precise, stating a kinda complicated system of straping it on like a complecated brestplate and yet be able to put objects inside and whatnot. I do not think who I met was any bible charactor specifically, in fact I'm sure it wasn't. But in all of the descriptions of high priests throughout the bible, they all wore this robe, which had specific meaning (which I am still researching). I also am kinda sure, but much less so, that the other people walking through the courtyard in the distance were also wearing an epoch.
My question, and even though it is kinda specific, if you have ANYTHING realivent to say, please do. It takes a lot of effort to post what I have seen, expecially with the kind of scrutenly that is possible with an experience like this.
Has anyone ever experienced the same thing? Has anyone ever encountered one wearing these robes? Or specifically someone wearing an epoch in all the glory that can only be described and experienced in the high dementions, and does anyone have any opinions as to why there were others wearing the same thing? From my basic understanding of the bible and wthe research I have done, I have come to believe that there was only ever one high priest at any one time...
The more research I do, the more connections I find with my experience and the life I live around me, and yet, the more questions I end up having.