I'm almost certain now that my cat can detect DMT in acacia bark. I live in an area with documented occurrences of 3 different strains of acacia that contain the goods, but up until recently I have struggled with being sure that I have the right species since they're all very similar and it's difficult to distinguish between them.
Background story. I have to say that I have never intentionally dosed my cat on DMT, and I never would. The first time it happened was the first time I smoked changa. He was outside while I was inside tripping, and I had come down and was enjoying the afterglow. I opened the front door to air the room out. About 30 minutes later there must have been very little residual smoke in the room, and my cat started whining at the door. I let him in, and didn't even consider that he might have been affected since I thought the room was clear of smoke. He came in and went straight to his food bowl as usual, I sat back down on the couch. He walked back toward the front door after 30 seconds or so which was odd because he normally eats for 5 minutes or so. He turned around and looked at me with the big freaky black cat eyes that they have when playing or stalking. I asked him what was wrong and he started meowing and walking around in circles, looking up at the ceiling. I was horrified when I realised he might be tripping and immediately let him outside. He ran out and lay under my car, swishing his tail wildly. I called him several times but he wouldnt move, and couldnt stop looking around. I'd never seen him act like this. He eventually came out, and was purring like crazy. He rubbed up against me several times but ran off when I tried to pet him. This continued for half an hour or so. He calmed down and came back inside, and to my relief he was fine.
The next time I smoked changa I made sure not to let him in. I was halfway through a very nice trip and he was whining loudly at the back door, wanting to get in. I opened the door and he was already doing the same as the first time he came inside! Big eyes, purring and rubbing against the door. I went outside with him and closed the door. He was all over me this time, I picked him up and had never seen him being so affectionate with me. He was rubbing his head all over mine and purring loudly. I set him down and he followed me all around my yard meowing and rubbing against my legs. I wasn't so worried this time because he recovered fine the first time.
Moving along. A few extractions I have done have failed to yield the goods. Having done A/B's before on tea and coffee to extract caffeine and getting them both right the first time (thanks youtube) I tried it on what I thought was A. Maidenii bark. All I got was the yellow oily residue, no crystals, and the goo didn't even smell close to the freebase I have acquired from a friend.
I instead located what I thought was A. Floribunda from very close to my house. I put a good amount of bark strips in a paper bag and left them in my car for a few days to dry. I brought them in once they were crispy and set the bag down in my lounge room, intending to start an extraction later that night. A few hours later my cat came in, had a feed like usual and came and sat down next to me on the couch. I had an idea. I took a spoon and placed a small amount of bark in it and heated it up with a lighter until it started smoking and wafted some toward my cat on the couch. Two minutes later, big eyes, purring and walking around in circles rubbing on everything he came near! This encouraged me.
I used the exact same A/B tek that failed with the other bark source and bingo, there it was. The yield wasn't great compared to my conservative estimates, but it was my first successful DMT extraction.
I don't know for sure if my cat reacted the way he did because of the alkaloids, since I hadn't thought of testing the bark from the failed extraction on him so I had no basis for comparison. I do hope to find another useful species and try it on him, I'll post here again if it worked.
And finally, when I tested the bark on him he was only affected for 5-10 minutes. Not like when I had smoked changa. I don't intend to fry my cats brain in pursuit of my own ends. I put towels against the gaps under doors now and keep him isolated when I smoke changa, and only let him back in when i'm certain the room is well clear of smoke.
Thanks for reading,
"..dimethylated spirits on fire in me.."