i still need to read the rest of the thread to respond correctly to the other things. I was talking with a grower from Humboldt (not me, i wish) and he said that legalization would be counter to his goals. He mentioned something along the lines that the grey area that is currently in place is excellent and that taxing his crop would be bad for him. That along with mass produced mary jane.
People like that piss me off. They are monopolizing on california's lax drug laws creating a rather volatile situation. Their blatant disregard for the medical marijuana movements legit intentions is screwing up the ability for other states to adopt similar policies. Basically certain growers are making millions abusing the medical marijuana laws, not to mention bringing crime and guns into once peaceful areas. It really makes the whole situation look like a movement not to help the sick but to help people get away with breaking the law. This is actually really bad for public relations.
Personally I'd like to see recreational use of cannabis allowed as well as medical because that would solve ALL the problems. But some of these greedy ass million dollar crop growers piss me the fuck off and do nothing positive for the movement that has made some good progress in recent years. Although they do supply some nice chronic.
He is right though about taxing, I am against taxing it as well but then again I am against taxing pretty much anything to fund the damn federal government. I think the argument that marijuana should be legal so the government could tax it is lame as hell.
The marijuana market should be a free and open market just like any other crop. There would be no crime and no greedy a@$holes running around the woods with guns buying up houses and turning them into hydro-gardens guarded by more people with guns and still charging too much
Quote:Its just another way to kill yourself. You can not justify to me allowing one and not all. They are ALL TOXIC, addictive and will kill you. Drunk idiots bother me more than strung out meth addicts. I lived with several so ya.
I wouldn't go that far. Many of the above drugs are not toxic at certain doses and will not kill you if used in a safe dose range even for long periods of time.