so this random Kid had just returned to his friends hotel in Berkely, CA after a String Cheese Incident show this summer... during the whole day he had been eating LSD and was still trippin all night.... so he steps out onto the large balcony, only to walk into the middle of a late-night DeaMsTer session...
after sitting down next to a new friend, he was offered a whole bubbler full of fresh reddish orange crystalz/rox... he was told to rip it thrice, and thrice he did
![Very happy](/forum/images/emoticons/grin.png)
nothing could've even remotely prepared him for what Kid was about to experience: As he was taking the third rip, he could barely even hold the pipe anymore let alone fuction the lighter and all the ability was leaving fast... he hastily passed it off and proceeded to fade away.... this whole experience was Not som shit on the back of One's eyelids(one's eyes were physically open, one thinks), this is HypeRSpacE: Everything began morphing into this digital blur and beyond and Kid felt that Kid had just done WAY WAY too much... everything binded and formed with everything else until it was All One(this all happened very quickly) then... Kid was Sucked Up into the Sky(only the spirit) by something So so fast into the sky......into some wormhole? it was a kaleid0scope of the most VIVID and INTEnSE color ever completely saturated and fulfilled in essence and being.... being smeared across the fabrics of interdymension space/time, blurred from one existence into another.... flying thru this ever faster, voices everywhere but cant understand anything, no abiltiy of comprehension... was there a light?? cant remember but... time was gone and had been gone for a while(kindof a paraducks hhe) and the dymension we "exist in" was gone completely in some sort of trancension of this reality... imagine waking up out of the Matrix, Seriously imagine that.... computer digitally mental mindfuck nintendo pixelated way of life Energy LuV truly AWAKE in REALITY??? FEARraeF/wonder\comPleTEly ALien amazement.......... thru the rabbit hole...e.l...o..h.......@#T..i.Bb..A...r
decending onto/into a world/city on a/planet A City of UNIMaginable being but True....... down into the City....Everything IS SO VIVID and Real... All Iz
then the Children began appearing, they were few then more and More and MORE.... surrounding... they were children of the starz... colors morphing... electric and real.... so much one can't remember or even describe about everything........frightening but only becuz it was absolutely AMAZING......... so much happened... then after that... falling back/up/out into the rabbit hole blurring/tuning back into this plane of "reality"... falling bak asleep.... back into the kaleidoscope, but one of the children is there too, something was told... a message?? they go one way down the hole, Kid(or what's left of him) goes the other.... landing back on earth... but itz like a trampoline!!! bouncing right back into the CITY with the children again............................It is HOME..............
unknown...unknown...unknown...................floating back to earth PHAZING back into this "level"/back into the matrix...... can only see raw energy for a while as everything slowly subsided through the digital madness........... the Kid was absolutely SHAKEN and disturbed(in the most excellent WAY!!!) on the virge of laughing hysterically and sobbing... so overwhelmed!! stilll completely over-charged like a battery hit by a lightening bolt....... HUMAN OVERDRIVE.... canNOT compute
heheh.... the Kid could not speak for about 20 minutes... and all he wanted was a hug
how deep does the rabbit hole go???