One absolutely fundamental piece of advice for anyone who thinks they're enlightened, and this is coming from someone who's claimed to be enlightened and then realized they were talking shite on more than one occasion:
Give it a year and day.
If the shift in your perceptual baseline and cognitive functioning remains the same throughout, then you can maybe make a legitimate claim to at least one of the 'lower' levels of the developmental axis referred to as "enlightenment". Until then, while your newfound perceptual clarity and emotional balance may remain for some time there is always the possibility that it will drop, to the untrained eye, without warning into a deep period of integration which can be difficult to say the very least.
Again, I speak from experience and know from having been there repeatedly that this, the apparent "enlightenment" stage, is often one early phase in a cyclical process of refinement. The fractal of awakening is vast, there is no one "enlightenment" and even Buddhahood has subtle variations, so don't get hung up on your own ideas of what "enlightenment" is. In fact, another piece of advice is: Whatever you think it is, it's not.
- T
When it blows, it stacks...