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Dear Nexus; I've Realized I Am an Addict and a Loser Options
#41 Posted : 2/12/2012 9:10:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This was a pretty cool post... I related to it a lot. Very similar things that I've thought about.

I remember in Sunday school a long time ago learning about this part in the Bible where someone asks Jesus who he is and he simply says 'I am'. That's sorta what your post reminded me of...

Anyone can turn anything into suffering. You can take the smallest thing, and worry and obsess over it until you have suffered more than anyone who has been tortured or killed. People can turn anything into a catastrophe. I have seen people who live their lives that way. Always unhappy. Everything is wrong. It takes enlightenment to have peace. It is so easy to get suck in that state of mind; where everything is bad. And most of the time we are taught these bad mental habits from our parents. Greed, pride, envy, lust, rage, sloth, gluttony, are all products of this worried state of mind (among others). They can be a distressing, tormenting, disturbing obsession. And addicting...

People are not judged by what problems that they have to face, but by how they handle those problems. The enlightened man does not allow situations to corrupt him, he continuously lets go of the past. He lets experiences come to him, then he cleans his mind of it. He remains constantly in the present, the here and now. New and free, like a child. Free from the retraining ideas and stereotypes of the secular world. Free to truly experience the moment; to live.

That is real life. Not constantly worrying about the past or the future. You are setting you self up for perpetual self disappointment if you do that, nothing will ever make you happy. The human mind is always burdened by the memories of the past and worries about the future, only when you have “no-mind” can you be free.

Finding truth within your self is the most important thing in life to me. Knowing that everything you do, you can live within love and truth. Turing you life into a constant meditative state. Something that does not belong to our monotonous world, something that is connected to eternity… to God. Because the world that we live in is only concerned with physical things; but what are those things but fleeting, and ephemeral? The physical world is only a dream, for all things go away and die.

When I do anything, I do it with joy. Because I have something growing within me, something that gives me growth and life as well; it is deep, spiritual, it is creativity. It is something special and unique. The way that I see the world. The extraordinary way that I feel life. Everyone is creative, because everyone sees the world differently. Everyone can be creative in everything that they do, because creativity means to continuously connect to the universe, eternity, and God; all in that one moment that they experience existence.

Creativity is interesting because the world is not always about what is, but also about what isn’t. Eternity has no beginning and no end. Everything goes back to its beginning, to the nothingness that it came from. That it what makes everything have so much potential. Absolute potential. The world is vibrant with possibilities...

When too much emotions well up inside of me and I feel like I am about to break down, that is when I go somewhere to be alone. I can always transform my breakdown into a breakthrough; that is when I can create my best art. And I feel so thankful that I can feel so many emotions, they always benefit me! I don’t like there to be a pattern to my life, I like to feel joy in everything. I never think about what I am going to do, I never wish to be, I just am. That is the ultimate transcending transformation. A constant metamorphosis. Just like you described in your post.

But it takes work to maintain that state of mind. I always seem to come back down to reality one way or another and I too am addicted to those negative thought patterns. It's all about unlearning. The negative things we weren't born with, but they are thought patterns that were taught to us. You have to unlearn them and breakthrough those lies that really are just meaningless. I have to work to choose to put my energy into positive things rather than negative things. Even though sometimes it's so much easier to just let the negativity envelop my existence. But the rewards for having discipline and fighting through it are so much greater. Living in the now is the greatest reward and imo the only way to experience true happiness.


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#42 Posted : 2/12/2012 10:03:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi again, Apoc. My apologies for misinterpreting your title post. I have recently done some insights myself, and realised some interesting points, and thought these words might be of use as they have been for me.....

The good news is that the pleasure you seek externally although brief, gives you a taste of the true happiness that is ALWAYS inside you. When you try and seek it out externally you only get brief glimpses, and this leads to more searching, and this can be addictive.

Seeking happiness through pleasure is a slippery path that is strewn with Wrecks and accidents. You are already complete and fulfilled but may at times forget this, so you have been searching it out externally, and have got lost on a path that takes you away from yourself where happiness resides, and into the dangerzone of conditional happiness ( i'll only be happy when i get this, that, etc).

I believe that we are divine beings existing on planet earth as human beings. We have defined our world through words such as yes and no, and attached labels such as good and bad, and made our world a tangiable one. We therefore have defined our own limits and freedoms. There is only NOW, nothing else. Your duty is therefore to respond fully to the moment. There are no problems, only situations. Because we are already Divine, there is no need to try and achieve anything, or better ourselves. The simplest life is therefore the best. Anything else means disconnection from our true nature, and suffering.

You are not a loser, because you can never lose your divine essence, however you can perhaps be distracted from it: That is because of your external seeking. I'm sure you realise that because you are a divine being who is already fulfilled and complete, that you do not need to seek anything out and simply need to just "be".

( I earlier made the mistake of mentioning self improvement as being something positive, but i now understand that when we "self improve", we are only doing so to try and seek our divine selves who are already complete, etc. So we are actually running away from ourselves to discover ourselves, leaving happiness to become unhappy to find happiness again!!...Surprised )
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#43 Posted : 9/12/2013 6:56:11 PM

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I dont believe you are a looser or an addict my freind..
The looser idea ..is just someone elses opinion based on how they were programed when growing up...
for me.. I consider spice in propper amounts ..to be a medicine i need.. and gives me freedom from worse substances like ahlcohol...and much worse physicly addicting drugs..
The late Tim Leary was right when he said..question authority..unprogram your self and live in your world..
Just be a good person to yourself and others..be free..
#44 Posted : 9/12/2013 9:03:50 PM

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starway6 wrote:
I dont believe you are a looser or an addict my freind..
The looser idea ..is just someone elses opinion based on how they were programed when growing up...
for me.. I consider spice in propper amounts ..to be a medicine i need.. and gives me freedom from worse substances like ahlcohol...and much worse physicly addicting drugs..
The late Tim Leary was right when he said..question authority..unprogram your self and live in your world..
Just be a good person to yourself and others..be free..

Did you read the OP? Doesn't sound like you did.Cool

Read it. It's worth it. It's actually very uplifting. Smile

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#45 Posted : 9/13/2013 3:02:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow, that really was a great OP. I'm glad this thread got bumped Smile I've just finished reading Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now, and this post's resurfacing seems a wonderful synchronicity. Thanks!
Forge a Path with Heart <3
#46 Posted : 9/21/2013 4:40:07 AM

Keeper of the spice

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Dukkha. seeking pleasure causes pain. There is no permanent pleasure. Clinging to happiness is seeking permanence in the flow of change. Thought itself created time and space. To be timeless is to be void of thought itself. Knowledge is past, now is unknown. To be conscious is to suffer. Only those who have glimpsed beyond the void carry the burden, sympathy for the devil. The path of awakening cannot be undone, yet, if we knew of all the ramifications would we have had the courage to embark? Surely I would have not.
Well, y'know, it's like this experience that I had was like, y'know, erm, it was kind of the most profound experience I've had in me life, like
#47 Posted : 1/5/2014 8:28:24 PM


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it is just my personal opinion but i think once you experience that inner joy it is a good idea to use onself to bring the joy into this world through ones own actions

but thats just me, to each his own
blessed be all forms of intelligence
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