Elpo wrote:Global wrote:I wish I hadn't read the book, if only because all the talk of brujeria made me completely revise (involuntarily and irreversibly) the way I look at certain DMT experiences for the worse. If I could go back, I don't think I'd read it again.
Can you elaborate on that Global? Do you feel like there is someone of something with a bad intention towards you?
It's not that I necessarily feel that there is
someone with a bad intention towards me. I don't encounter "people" in hyperspace like he does, particularly ones I know. The closest I've come to "people" are archetypal golden mannequin-like people, but I welcome their presence.
You see, I've experienced these "glitches" in hyperspace for some time - probably since before reading Ayahuasca in My Blood, but the way that I consciously react to them has changed since reading the book. Prior to the book, the worst they could seem to do was derail the experience in the sense that everything would be unfolding nicely, then a blemish in the background might start developing and coming forward, come up to me, and then do much of what seemed like "nothing" and things wouldn't usually get much further from there, so at best they were minor frustrations. I recall trying to communicate with them, but they were like broken computer programs. They never communicate anything - no psycho-verbal telepathic language like their well-arranged counterparts or anything like that - so their intentions (if they have any) are masked even more heavily than other entities...even ones that may only speak in gibberish.
So I'm getting to the part that kind of freaks me out a bit about them. You see I (like many I'm sure) find the experience to be very energy/frequency based. To me, practically all of hyperspace is made of energy from the landscape to the objects to the architecture to the entities. Successful interactions with most "regular" entities (I'll avoid using the word "positive" here cause they're not necessarily always the cheeriest bunch) typically leaves me feeling elated, with my energy channels blown wide open as I can feel the biomagnetic energy just brimming around me. Interactions with these glitches do not produce the same reaction. These glitches, these often knotted, mangled, crumpled dark brown things, when they make their way over to me and make contact, they leave behind this very sticky, slimy, fuzzy energy (most predominantly on the spot where they make physical contact) and I can feel my emotions sort of plummet. It becomes quite difficult to impossible to remove the sticky energy myself. If I touch it with my hand, it just sticks to my hand, and I can rub it in between my fingers, but it just sticks as sticky substances tend to do. Eventually as the DMT fades, so too goes my perception of the sticky energy (thankfully) but it of course becomes unclear as to when it goes away. It should seem that the most effective manner of remedying these matters is to have another entity sort of reverse the situation, but this of course involves re-entering hyperspace and hoping that I don't get ambushed. I find a correlation between these sticky energy patches and the virotes of the Amazon. Peter Gorman talked extensively about how tricky it was to remove the virotes, finding much of his effectiveness in mapacho and floral water (neither of which I've ever acquired).
So now comes the part as to what to do. Abstinence from hyperspace is one option, though not too appealing when you want to be there (kinda like sex and STDs I guess). Then there's the "surrender" response, and while it may be effective from time to time, I don't find it to be a very reliable approach to this particular situation of glitching entities with their fuzzy energies. Sometimes it may work, turning the negative energy on its head, but most of the time, it seems like waiting there as a sitting duck is just what they "want" you to do if there's but one thing they want. Surrendering/doing nothing also leaves the possibility of another entity to step in and "save the day". Often for me it will be the godhead, but most recently it was a singing troupe of hyperspace dwellers...and do be honest I'm not even sure what they did with the glitch, it was like they folded it away and out of the "house" we were in. There was only one time I saw the godhead sort of "lose" in which the (in this case very big) glitch had stickily affixed itself to the godhead. I don't remember how that one turned out, but chances are not too spectacular.
Again, hoping that someone will show up to save my ass is not something that I typically wanna wait around for because it often won't happen (even if I "call" for help). I have devised two essential strategies for dealing with them (the latter of which I find to be most reliable and effective). In
DMT and Attention (negative entity mitigation), I outlined my discovery of the attention's direct impact on hyperspace, and how by choosing to acknowledge and focus on the blemishes/glitches actually allows them to become more powerful, developed, and progressed into the foreground toward me. Again, not so reliable as their inconsistent appearance with the rest of hyperspace naturally calls attention to them (perhaps an evolutionary design for these scavengers of hyperspace), and some of the more powerful ones have enough energy to do as they please anyway.
I received possibly my first hint as to what these glitches actually are in the vaulted dome "living room" of the mansion in hyperspace that I regularly frequent. Sometimes it's inhabited, and sometimes not. This one particular occasion I'm recounting, there were several of these regular characters laying inert on the floor. All was silent. Suddenly a sequence of high pitches is heard which animates the entities of the room. I feel the air (or empty space) fill with charge, as both I and the entity immediately in front of me float up into the vaulted space, bobbing weightlessly in a sea of magnetism. It was quite delightful. Then the entity proceeded to put on a demonstration for me in which it folded itself up over and over....and over and over until it resembled a rather large version of the dark brown mangled glitches. I never felt threatened by it though, as I felt like I was being shown something of their geometric nature or something of the sort. It then unfolded itself as effortlessly as it bunched itself up. There was a sort of "aha" moment where I realized transformation of these things was possible.
Later on, in another experience in which I smoked harmine and DMT, I encountered an entity that to this day I have (luckily) found to be a one-off. It was not necessarily mangled or glitchy or brown, but rather like the cooky cousin of some of the more "regular" geometric abstraction entities. It was an extremely unsettling experience, but regardless this big scary fella might have actually have been the one to (possibly inadvertently) give me the proper tool to deal with any unwelcome entities. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I find the experience to be highly energy based. Many of us are familiar with the Qi-Gong like postures or autonomous physical movements that these energies can spur our bodies to do, but something rather unique happened toward the end of this cooky encounter. The energy in the room spurred me to use my voice in a most unconventional way - in fact I had never used it as such or realized it was even a possibility. I began "singing" a tone which got lower and lower and lower, way past below where I thought my vocal cords could allow until it was this guttural, fully resonant, inhuman sounding throat chant which seemed to apparently remedy the situation one way or another (don't exactly remember what happened). This was my cue that now that I knew how to do this throat singing along with its potential that I gained my most effective means for dealing with these entities. It began to make so much sense. Sound (as frequency) has a very powerful impact on hyperspace (as frequency). The throat chanting not only provides powerful audio vibration, but it somewhat violently causes the whole body (and particularly the chest cavity) to resonate with vibration quite heavily. I believe it to be the interaction of these vibrations that creates such a strong effect (as opposed to perhaps regular singing). As a side note, I've played my guitar in hyperspace before, and it is quite intriguing how different geometries are created by playing different keys or using different chords.
Unraveling Negative Entities, I recount an occasion where the singing was most ideal and effective in its action, and in post #9, I provide an illustration of this somewhat alchemical process in the transformation of the crude negative glitch into the delicate, subtle, dainty and beautiful multidimensional geometries. I hope this is thorough enough insight into my dealings with negativity in hyperspace. Perhaps I'm better off for having read the book, so I could be lead through these experiences that show me how to protect myself to what might have otherwise been rather contented energetic parasites. For me, the jury is still not out on these things, their intentions, or the full repercussions for interacting with their sticky energies, but there you have it.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb