the dmt in rootbark is already in salt form, so there's no need to acidify your brew.
not that acidification hurts the efficiently of the brew (indeed it may still improve it), its just you are going to have to drink all the acid you add, so you don't want to add too much.
say you add just half a shot of lemon juice to your brew, and then reduce the aya down to a shot. well that dose would then be 2.5%-3% citric acid (because half of it is lemon juice which is 5%-6%). so it would be a lot more rough to get down than if you hadn't acidified at all.
but yes. it definitely helps to brew your plants. 3g rue and 3g mimosa brewed properly will take you deeper than you described. its also recommended to brew 2 doses, so you can drink more as necessary.
another tip that helps - contrary to popular belief (a belief i think is just founded on intuition) - is to drink the harmalas and the brew either at the same time or really close together.
it seems misfires are a lot less common that way (maybe as the harmalas surround the dmt they protect it from mao in the gut? who knows), and dosing becomes consistent.
as far as puking goes: there are a number of ways to go on this.
the first and most obvious method is to fine the tannins of of your mimosa brew. after having combined and filtered 3 boils on mimosa, you wait for it to cool (room temp at least, though i had best results with a refrigerated brew - as per the instructions on a cooking show - i tried to do it warm but still much too cold to cook egg white, and it didn't work out for me) then you add egg whites to your cooled brew, and bring it up to heat. just pretend like you are reducing the brew, and the egg white will coagulate, along with all or most of the tannins in the brew, which taste awful and cause nausea. the result is a translucent, tasty mimosa brew (just filter it again to get rid of the egg white, or you can decant it out if its a solid piece).
then there are methods to lessen nausea (eating fresh ginger is a common method, as is eating only 5 datura seeds or so), especially if you aren't super sensitive to the purge, just to kind of delay it long enough for the magic to take effect. if you are extremely sensitive to the purge to where the above methods still don't help, there are ways of negating the purge altogether.
dieting is the most straightforward, and probably most repeatably consistent way to lessen or avoid the purge altogether (depending on the length and rigidity of diet).
there are also
other claims of stopping purge scattered throughout the forums, that are most likely akin to eating fresh ginger or datura seeds, from people who aren't super sensitive to the purge.
i feel the need to add that in my
personal experience, i could eat 5 datura seeds and quid/eat a whole mess of fresh ginger, and still puke so hard i would pop blood vessels in my face (and have a speckled face for a couple days) in under 30 mins from finishing my aya. i seem to be much more sensitive than most when it comes to purging. but with dieting i have been able to negate the purge entirely. not even a bit of nausea. so i really feel that diet is a bit more instrumental than most people believe (i.e. if you eat healthy you may not purge as readily as if you eat like crap).
also a MUST read whenever discussing purge is
this thread written by olympus mon.
IME you can't appreciate a purge until you purge on cactus. your results may differ.
goatmanx wrote:do you have any idea if tolerance will be an issue if i try tripping again in a couple hours?
there is no tolerance with ayahuasca.
thought it might take just a tiny bit longer than a couple hours to whip up proper brews of rue and mimosa... unless you want to attempt the same method again expecting different results......
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