Been fascinated by low-dose psychedelics.
And seeing if any can be used as nootropics.
Since I am new, please moderators feel welcome to move this if this is not in the right section.
My first experiment was with low dose LSD.
I call low-dose LSD: "The Observer"
Procedure: 1 tab dropped in 100 ml of boiled purified water (no chlorine)
took only 5 ml
Taken right after a light breakfast.
Time to felt effects: 1 minute
Initial effects:
- Relaxation of muscles
- Overall gentle relaxation
- Noticeable inner quieting of the mind
- Difficulty focusing with eyes: felt like natural soft focusing
The most noticeable effect of this experiment is how fast a low-dose LSD quiets the mind.
And when the mind is quiet it can naturally observe, watch, and notice without distraction.
I didn't experience any hyper-focused effect, or even greater clarity or brilliance.
It was more a quieting of the discursive, chattering, monkey mind.
Which then opens up for easy observation.
It was definitely reminiscent of meditation practice, meditation retreat.
Regardless of how noisy the street sounds are, there is an inward silence.
very Zen - no frills, no whistles, no bangs. Just the quiet peaceful observing mind.
This is not an emotionally active dose.
And felt no interest in verbal interaction.
Possible Ideal Uses:
- Great for observational work of any kind
Can definitely see Hoffman and other scientist enjoying these low doses
- Good for reading, researching
- Gather information in a easy progressive way
- Retreat from over-active mind
- Neutralizer of worries
- Logical thinking: since the mind is free of distraction
Didn't find it as useful for:
- Increasing physical agility, flexibility, speed
- Conversational exchange
- Collaborative work with others
- Problem solving with others
- Physical learning or Emotional learning
Enneagram connection:
If you are one of the head-based Enneatypes: 5, 6, 7
I think you'll find the experience very appealing.
You may even find it is a natural anti-dote to the worried, over-active mind.
If you are one of the heart-based Enneatypes: 2, 3, 4
This might not be your favorite "cup of tea" as it does not have much emotional responsiveness.
However, could possibly open a doorway to the quiet heart.
Tarot Connection:
Card 9 of the Major Arcana: the Hermit
Numerological connection: the number 7
Elemental connection:
Air mixed with wood
no fire or water elements.
Total Duration: approx. 5 hours
Will definitely make your inner scientist feel at home.
Peace, Blessings, and as always YMMV
Thumbs up
everything i write is for the purposes of creative expression and writing a science fiction novel.