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2012 Reconsidered; Updated Options
#41 Posted : 4/23/2009 6:36:11 PM

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everythingsflashin wrote:
a strand of DNA was placed in a container and light (photons) was shined at it. the photons were drawn to the DNA and moved along the spiral of the strand. when the DNA was removed, the light continued to follow its spiral for 30 days.

once again i cannot account for the validity of this experiment. i am only relaying theories and information.

You got a reference of this experiment? Has it been published in peer-reviewed journal?

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#42 Posted : 4/23/2009 11:13:20 PM

Sun Dragon

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It's called the Phantom DNA experiment. It was conducted in the early 1990's by a Russian Physicist named Vladimir Popinine(SP?). Both David Wilcock and Gregg Braden make reference to this experiment. Braden talks about it and shows an example in his "Science of Miracles" talk.

@ 5:45


I would recommend watching the whole series of videos, very intersting stuff.
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And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#43 Posted : 4/24/2009 1:03:11 AM
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nice, saidin. its Popopin and he worked with Dr. Peter Gariaev on the experiments.

read this,

Your body is just a vehicle, transporting your soul.
#44 Posted : 4/25/2009 2:26:25 PM

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I think some of you guys are guilty of the minimization of mystery. I pulled this from the wiki on quantum mind and it describes some of your arguments perfectly.

"Minimization of Mystery
The philosopher David Chalmers half-jokingly claims that the motivation for Quantum Mind theories is: "a Law of Minimization of Mystery: consciousness is mysterious and quantum mechanics is mysterious, so maybe the two mysteries have a common source." [2]"

You guys are guilty of the same thing: trying to relate DMT and 2012 when there is really no evidence of a relationship.

Speculation is good but it has to be grounded in sound logic and exercised with hefty skepticism.

I do think the universe is most likely infinite so I suppose anything is possible but you cannot know anything for sure. It really is beyond our perspective.
#45 Posted : 4/25/2009 4:22:43 PM
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personally, i dont really believe that DMT has anything to do with 2012 at all. however, just as you say delta 9, i believe the two are connected mysteriously due to the fact that they both were created and designed by the divine consciousness.
Your body is just a vehicle, transporting your soul.
wake and bacon
#46 Posted : 4/25/2009 5:00:38 PM
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Infundibulum wrote:
DMTripper wrote:
everythingsflashin wrote:
you know, one would think that the nexus would be somewhere i could find people that understood that there are things in this universe that are utterly unexplainable with our present day sciences and technology.

Yes there are plenty of them. Maybe some of them just don't like to argue about 2012 'cause the think it's a waste of time Wink

Scientists totally understand that the universe thrives with unanswered questions and they do their best to explore them. But they like to walk with caution and not jump to conclusions.

Great quote I would like to post here dealing with a similar topic, you guys might enjoy reading it...

John Rattray wrote:
[...]there is definitely a way of looking at things that studying the sciences imparts. I think an important thing is that it sharpens your ability to discern between hard facts and questionable assumptions. The scientific process seems to be based on constantly doubting what we think is true and being as precise as you can. Historically, science can teach us to never believe completely in what we think. It teaches us to accept that we don't know everything about everything, and in fact can never know it all. What we know now might be all wrong. It's that dark doubt I think that forces people to jump to these apparently conclusive religious beliefs. Fear of the dark is an old one. It's buried deep in our psyche, hardwired into our neural networks. Studying science and mathematics helped me to accept the unknown, that unnerving doubt, as an unavoidable aspect of the condition of being human. To cut a long story short I think that science really humanizes us. It reminds us that there is nothing wrong with just not knowing. Physics attempts to describe the universe by building complex expressions out of simple, basic principles. Through science I also decided that whether God exists or whether there's an afterlife doesn't matter to me because as far as I can see, from my humble point of view, those things are unknown. If you claim you do know then I am suspicious of you. The universe we live in is utterly incredible regardless, and that's enough for me.

DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

There are 2 ways to donate
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wake and bacon
#47 Posted : 4/30/2009 6:56:52 AM
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Big Inhale wrote:
WOW the elitist attitude at the nexus running rampant as usual.

Have you seen other forums?
DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

There are 2 ways to donate
one is called "Post Reply" and the other is called "New Topic"
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#48 Posted : 4/30/2009 4:15:28 PM

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wake and bacon wrote:
Big Inhale wrote:
WOW the elitist attitude at the nexus running rampant as usual.

Have you seen other forums?

I have. Laughing

Have you been to bluelight?

#49 Posted : 4/30/2009 5:53:43 PM

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everythingsflashin wrote:
personally, i dont really believe that DMT has anything to do with 2012 at all. however, just as you say delta 9, i believe the two are connected mysteriously due to the fact that they both were created and designed by the divine consciousness.

But isn't everything created and designed by the divine consciousness, (if you believe in that sort of thing)?

So following that logic, one could make an argument that the crud under your toe nails (or any item/person/place/thing you could think of) is the big key to consciousness changing in 2012.

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#50 Posted : 4/30/2009 11:32:22 PM
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not quite warrensaged. indeed everything WAS created through divine consciousness. however, your logic is off. just because things are made by the same person doesnt necessarily mean that they effect each other. i believe DMT plays a huge role in expanding our consciousness, but whether or not we had even discovered DMT to begin with, 2012 would still happen. DMT is an earthly thing (yes it may possibly be present on other planets), 2012 and the shift in consciousness is a galactic event. the only thing that affects it is our consciousness. it doesnt really matter if DMT exists or not.
Your body is just a vehicle, transporting your soul.
#51 Posted : 5/1/2009 12:13:12 AM

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everythingsflashin wrote:
not quite warrensaged. indeed everything WAS created through divine consciousness. however, your logic is off. just because things are made by the same person doesnt necessarily mean that they effect each other. i believe DMT plays a huge role in expanding our consciousness, but whether or not we had even discovered DMT to begin with, 2012 would still happen. DMT is an earthly thing (yes it may possibly be present on other planets), 2012 and the shift in consciousness is a galactic event. the only thing that affects it is our consciousness. it doesnt really matter if DMT exists or not.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this and may I suggest not slinging comments like, "your logic is off"; they get you nowhere and just make you look a little silly.

In my opinion, of course.

"...just because things are made by the same person"

I must say that your metaphysics is off on this one, solely because God or "Divine Intelligence" as you put it, certainly isn't any one person. "It" is a "being" which is essentially consciousness itself; the entire cosmos as a collective whole. It is ineffable and almost entirely incomprehensible. No single word can wrap itself around such a concept; it isn't possible, language doesn't allow it. The best thing we have is metaphors.

The crud under your fingernails is just as holy and sacred as every other part of our conscious universe.
Every part of the whole is necessary and being necessary, each part is essential for the unfolding of the cosmic drama itself. I believe you are guilty of anthropomorphizing the Godhead; which is entirely understandable, as this has been going on for millenia. The only reason why we perceive ourselves to be cosmically "special" as humans (which leads us to anthropomorphize the Godhead) is because we are on the supposed top (or bottom) of the evolutionary spiral of consciousness. This, however, doesn't mean that we are any closer to God, because the vast majority of people whom have ever lived have been just as unconscious of the Godhead as the animals we descended (or ascended) from. We are all an interconnected whole that is held together by a veil of illusion which keeps us from figuring ourselves out until the precisely determined moment that history has foreseen as the Eschaton.

In my opinion, of course.

"it doesn't really matter if DMT exists or not"

I don't even know how to reply to this particular quote, because it negates almost entirely what you said preceding it. And as far as 2012 being a galactic event; what is that supposed to even mean?

Just keeping you on your toes.

#52 Posted : 5/1/2009 6:36:11 AM
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first off, i am well aware that divine consciousness is not a single person. i was merely minimizing the concept. i firmly believe that everything is god (just using a familiar term) and god is everything.

what i mean by DMT not mattering and 2012 being a galactic event is that IMO 2012 is caused by particular galactic alignments and torsion fields. the process is not one that we are in control of. however, it will be what we make of it. smoking DMT or consuming ayahuasca is not going to effect that process. the only thing it will do is show us the splendor and possibilities of the universe. it will probably also assist us individually by expanding our consciousness and making the transition easier, but as for affecting the entire process id have to say no.

remember, this is just my opinion.
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#53 Posted : 5/1/2009 5:24:12 PM

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everythingsflashin wrote:
not quite warrensaged. indeed everything WAS created through divine consciousness. however, your logic is off. just because things are made by the same person doesnt necessarily mean that they effect each other. i believe DMT plays a huge role in expanding our consciousness, but whether or not we had even discovered DMT to begin with, 2012 would still happen. DMT is an earthly thing (yes it may possibly be present on other planets), 2012 and the shift in consciousness is a galactic event. the only thing that affects it is our consciousness. it doesnt really matter if DMT exists or not.

What I was trying to address is that it seems to me, like a lot of folks who are interested in DMT & interested in these 2012 theory's, like to make some great cosmic connection between the two.
It usually seems to me like if these same people where really, really into ice cream sandwiches & the 2012 theory's, then it would be the great galactic ice cream sandwich convergence that we would be discussing here.

I just do not see any connection between these two things, beyond a few people who have an extremely focused interest in both & active imaginations!


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#54 Posted : 6/2/2009 2:48:23 PM

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#55 Posted : 6/2/2009 2:59:21 PM

analytical chemist

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Ayawasqero wrote:
everythingsflashin wrote:
there WILL be a 2013. itll just be different. an no theres not anything in particular that will happen on the 21st. the process has already begun. it started about 70 some odd years ago. december 21st is significant as it marks the day we move into the 5th galactic day (or is it the 6th? i dont remember).

There will be no 2013.

yeah there will.
google: epoch

time doesn't cease.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#56 Posted : 6/2/2009 3:57:45 PM

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benzyme wrote:
Ayawasqero wrote:
everythingsflashin wrote:
there WILL be a 2013. itll just be different. an no theres not anything in particular that will happen on the 21st. the process has already begun. it started about 70 some odd years ago. december 21st is significant as it marks the day we move into the 5th galactic day (or is it the 6th? i dont remember).

There will be no 2013.

yeah there will.
google: epoch

time doesn't cease.

Actually, time doesn't exist.



At least according to some factions.

#57 Posted : 6/2/2009 4:10:15 PM

analytical chemist

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*head's spinning*

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#58 Posted : 6/2/2009 5:12:20 PM

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wow this topic sparked quite a conversation here. In the end no one knows whats going to happen, its all part of the mystery. I dont buy any of the doom and gloom end of the world bs, thats just nonsense. Maybe its just the tipping point, where positive beings, outweigh the negative ones, and lead us into a more enlightend way of living and being on earth. If you care to disagree thats fine, im just not down to get into a pissing match here. peace brothers
The universe is an infinite harmony of vibrating beings in an elaborate range of expansion-contraction ratios, frequency modulations, and so forth.
#59 Posted : 6/2/2009 5:19:17 PM

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^^I'm with you Seven, I think that's a great way to look at it. If something fantastic happens, even if it is merely the beginning of a change that we won't even be able to perceive in our lifetimes, I think it will be much more majestic than any author can imagine and write a book about.
All posts are fictional.
#60 Posted : 6/2/2009 5:59:04 PM

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thanks 970. I think whatever does "happen" we will feel or experience the effects of it in our lifetime.
The universe is an infinite harmony of vibrating beings in an elaborate range of expansion-contraction ratios, frequency modulations, and so forth.
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